Bowers, Rick, Raymond E. Jones and Jon C. Scott. "My Tragic Opera" (Evelyn Lau p.448) The Harbrace Anthology Of Literature. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, 1998
Vendler, Helen. Poems, Poets, Poetry. Boston & New York: Bedford/Martin's, 1997
I have included the following poems from that text:
Blake, William - "Infant Joy" p27
Blake, William - "Infant Sorrow" p4
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett - "How Do I Love Thee?" p299
Dickinson, Emily - "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" p62
Dickinson, Emily - "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?"
Donne, John - "Death Be Not Proud" p407
Dove, Rita - "Flash Cards" p23
Gluck, Louise - "The School Children" p4
Larkin, Philip - "Talking in Bed" p104
Larkin, Philip - "This Be The Verse" p457
Marlowe, Christopher - "The Passionate Shepherd To His Love" p83
Simic, Charles - "Old Couple" p42
Male baby courtasy of my friend, Peggy Benedict
Female baby courtasy of my aunt Pam Holland
All other pictures have been on my computer for so long I forget where I got them.
I'd like to thank my wonderful boyfriend, Ewan Sinclair, for helping my figure out frames before I began to smash my computer.