Pennsylvania Biker's Page |
Gates open at Noon, Food by Concession. Camping available. $15 per person. VFW Picnic Grounds, Shellsville PA Located off Exit 27 of I-81, Follow Signs. Bands Nightly. Non Bike Games on Saturday. Poker Run on Sunday to benefit BIKEPAC (registration 9-10, Leaving at 10am). Bike Show / Tattoo Show Starts at 1pm. Free Breakfast Monday morning Compliments of the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester and A.I.M. Riding as a group to the Capital Monday morning leaving at 11am.May 22 - Motorcyclists Rights Rally!!!!
Riding as a group to the Capital Monday morning leaving at 11am from Freedom Weekend at the VFW Picnic Grounds, Shellsville PA Located off Exit 27 of I-81, Follow Signs. Arrive at the Capitol 12 noon. For more information call ABATE of PA (717) 234-3777.
Exit 14 off I-80, Follow Rt 28 N 7.3 miles, turn left, then follow signs. Gates open Friday at Noon and must be vacated Sunday at noon. Lots of entertainment: Bands, Bike Games, T-Shirt Contest, food by concession. Must be a member of a motorcycle rights organization to enter OR be a guest of a member. ONE guest per member. Advance Admission (includes 2000 Hazen Pin) $45 couple / $25 Single. Gate Admission $30 per person (pin extra). Any vehicle over 24 ft must pay $25 to enter party sight. Dusk to dawn no vehicles over 24 ft may enter party site. 4 wheel vehicles must remain parked following initial entry except for emergencies. For more information call (717)-234-3777.02/12/2000 Easy Riders Show --- Dist 9
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** All event dates are subject to change
** The events listed are being posted by an unofficial source - PA Byker has no control over rescheduling of events, weather conditions, unforseen acts of God or nature. If your are unsure - call one of the contact numbers that are posted for that event. PA Byker accepts no responsibility for the outcomes of any said event. Proceed at your own risk and for the love of God - Have Fun Doing It!!!