M&M - 11/22/00 20:56:03
My Email:Mike41C
Own a Bike?: 98 Yama V
Belong to any biking Organizations?: No
Area of the State you live in:: Berks
Looking for additional riders for weekends and trips.
brett sorg - 11/20/00 20:47:14
My Email:libra25@penn.com
Own a Bike?: 2000 night train
Belong to any biking Organizations?: tri county hog
Area of the State you live in:: elk county
BUD - 11/14/00 00:41:03
My URL:http://northeastridersmc.com
Own a Bike?: FXSTB
Belong to any biking Organizations?: NORTHEAST RIDERS M.C.
Area of the State you live in:: Phila.
16th annual
TOY RUN 2000
Sunday December 10th
Leaving Brian's Harley-Davidson (on Business Rt.1 in Penndell-directions at www.brianshd.com )
At 12:00 NOON
To St. Vincents Childrens Home
FREE Coffee and Donuts at Brian's
FREE Beer after the run at the Tacony Club
(Longshore and Marsden Sts.- follow the pack)
Ro Woodring - 11/04/00 20:28:48
My Email:rolmajwo@aol.com
Own a Bike?: Yamaha Venture Royale
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: Duncansville
- 11/04/00 20:04:24
Hawk - 10/01/00 21:52:23
My URL:http://www.flyingfreemc.com
My Email:cetanwakan@aol.com
Own a Bike?: 77 Sporty
Belong to any biking Organizations?: Flying Free M.C. Bikers Against Drugs
Area of the State you live in:: Southern York
First nice site. Looking for follow riders to ride with. F.F.M.C.is a clean/sober club. If you would like more info. just e-mail with request. Other clubs welcome. Thanks
Gary Hoffman - 09/22/00 00:32:47
My Email:ghoffman@pa.net
Own a Bike?: Two - Yamaha and Harley
Belong to any biking Organizations?: CMA
Area of the State you live in:: District 6 (Perry County)
I ride with a chapter out of Harrisburg. We are the Tribe of David. We are a Chapter of Christian Motorcyclist Association. If anyone is interested in joining us. Please have them Email me at ghoffman@pa.net
joe - 08/25/00 00:03:12
My Email:jmad@blazenet.net
Own a Bike?: yes 95 evo special construction
Belong to any biking Organizations?: not yet
Area of the State you live in:: south central
looking for an abate chapter in york,pa?
Cockzilla - 08/05/00 16:46:12
My URL:http://www.heathenhellraisers.homestead.com/index.html
My Email:bkthh88@hotmail.com
Own a Bike?: 94 sporty
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE/Blue Mountian Chapter
Area of the State you live in:: Cumberland County
fitst time at your site,good job,come take a look at my little site,don't forget to say what ya think in the guestbook,ride safe and lidless.
Jim Vasbinder - 07/02/00 14:13:52
My Email:JimNLisa1014@Juno.com
Own a Bike?: '98 sporty
Belong to any biking Organizations?: not yet
Area of the State you live in:: cambria.....South Fork
the wife & I have ridden with A.B.A.T.E. (Cambria chapter) twice before and are looking forward to joining! you all did a GREAT job at "Thunder In The Valley"!!
Dixie Eberly - 05/30/00 20:09:47
My Email:deberly@epix.net
Own a Bike?: H.D. Sportster 883
Belong to any biking Organizations?: Lancaster H.O.G. Chapeter
Area of the State you live in:: Lancaster County
I'm the Activities Officer for the Lancaster H.O.G. Chapeter. We're always looking for activities and anyone interested in joining. Happy Riding.
Gary Hoffman - 05/26/00 20:51:53
My Email:ghoffman@pa.net
Own a Bike?: Yes
Belong to any biking Organizations?: CMA
Area of the State you live in:: Harrisburg
Our Chapter is Tribe of David
We meet the second Saturday each month at Ranch House Restaurant for Breakfast meeting. Time 10 PM
Michael "Cowboy" Mastracco - 05/16/00 21:59:16
My Email:HunBunandCowboy@aol.com
Own a Bike?: Yes 95 EVO Special Construction
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE Chap.32Dist.4
Area of the State you live in:: Scranton
Love to hook up and ride. If you want to ride to the Grand Canyon of PA on June 24th, give me a shout. This site is the best. Job well done.
Su P. - 05/15/00 23:25:01
My Email:jaszygirl@aol.com
Belong to any biking Organizations?: yes - HOG and Charity Riders of Central PA
Area of the State you live in:: South Central PA
I'd like to find someone to ride with.. and go to bike events with. I'm 47 yrs old and live in Hershey area.
Gary Clemenson - 05/07/00 17:56:29
My Email:grc@penn.com
Own a Bike?: Yes, Honda V65 Magna
Belong to any biking Organizations?: not yet
Area of the State you live in:: Altoona PA
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Just looking to make friends from the Altoona area to ride with. Thanks
BUD - 04/22/00 20:26:09
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/BIGFT1/main.html
Own a Bike?: YES - FXSTB
Belong to any biking Organizations?: NORTHEAST RIDERS M.C.
Area of the State you live in:: PHILADELPHIA
Check out the URL above for info on our HAWG WILD
Jean&Gary - 04/06/00 23:53:45
My URL:http://www.wolvesclub.com/events.html
My Email:harelyevents@hotmail.com
Own a Bike?: Road King
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE
Area of the State you live in:: Western Pa
Cool site great info thanks ! We check back here often! If any one is going to any of the events on our Page let us know !
- 04/04/00 18:57:01
Oscar Gleep was here !
nice job Chris Salem
Roy Berry - 03/29/00 19:29:50
My Email:royberry@xecu.net
Own a Bike?: 1990 1200 Sporty
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE MD
Area of the State you live in:: MAryland
I was born in Bryn Marw and moved to Norristown, joined the army went away for 20 years returned to PA and lived in Waynesboro, Pa but moved to Frederick, MD resently.
Ron Snyder - 03/12/00 17:25:19
My Email:sny1104@aol.com
Own a Bike?: 1977 HD
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE of PA
Area of the State you live in:: District 3
Amy and Mark - 02/16/00 21:31:10
My Email:harleyst90@aol.com
Own a Bike?: yes 2
Belong to any biking Organizations?: A.B.A.T.E.of PA
Area of the State you live in:: Monroeville,PA
Always looking for new buds to ride with. Rolling Thunder is coming up Memorial Day weekend. Looking to also find riders in our area to scoot around with. Prefer couples but singles welcome! We have a lot of single friends that ride with us too. Drop us a
e-mail and make some new friends!
Amy and Mark - 02/16/00 21:28:40
My Email:harleyst90@aol.com
Urbs - 02/13/00 22:14:04
My URL:/cambriaabate
My Email:cambriaabate@aol.com
Hello, this is PaByker, I've created a web page for Cambria County ABATE that you can get to from the above URL link.
Animal - 02/11/00 01:01:26
My URL:http://sonsoflibertas.net
My Email:animal@sonsoflibertas.net
Own a Bike?: 85 Harley + 87 Harley + 70 Triumph
Belong to any biking Organizations?: Sons of Liberty, BOLT of PA, ABATE, MRF, AMA, PHD
Area of the State you live in:: Nicest part
Tom - 01/10/00 13:55:31
My Email:tndii@juno.com
Own a Bike?: 97 Sportster 1200
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE
Area of the State you live in:: Erie Chapter
Waiting for Spring!
Bob Miller Jr. - 01/05/00 14:07:24
My Email:millerjrb@aol.com
Own a Bike?: 97XL1200C(FAST)XLCH=experimental lightwieght competition hot
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE
Area of the State you live in:: BUTLER PA
- 01/05/00 03:29:23
Shawn - 01/03/00 21:23:13
My Email:SMyers1012@aol.com
Own a Bike?: Yes 1983 HD Sportster
Belong to any biking Organizations?: HOG, WOW
Area of the State you live in:: south east -- Near Morgantown
Always looking for something to do. Thanks for a job well done on this web page.
Craig Lynch - 12/29/99 01:20:21
My Email:lynchfort@brandywine.net
Own a Bike?: You bet
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE, HOG, AMA, PCOM
Area of the State you live in:: SE, near Philly
Allan Newberry - 12/01/99 18:52:19
My Email:ajn@dd3.arl.psu.edu
Own a Bike?: HD 84 FXR
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE OF BLAIR CO.
Area of the State you live in:: ALTOONA, BLAIR CO.
KEN - 11/19/99 22:26:36
Own a Bike?: YES
Belong to any biking Organizations?: NO
Area of the State you live in:: UPPER BUCKS COUNTY
Rich Thomas - 11/10/99 20:25:39
My Email:MossRose3@aol.com
Own a Bike?: yes
Belong to any biking Organizations?: Free Spirit Motorcycle Club
Area of the State you live in:: Your Dis. 5
Have been and wil keep on pasing the word about this site. Not much going this time of the year
BUD - 11/09/99 01:02:05
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/BIGFT1/toyrun2.HTML
Belong to any biking Organizations?: NORTHEAST RIDERS M.C.
Area of the State you live in:: Philadelphia
cool web site, I'll be sure to keep you posted
on our upcoming parties (SPRING FLING, HAWG WILD,
Capi - 10/21/99 22:25:42
My Email:CJMann@webtv.net
Own a Bike?: no, me on a bike would be dangerous!!!
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: Scranton
Hi Tom, just checking out the site. It's pretty cool. You'll have to hook me up with a ride when I'm home next time!!
Janette - 10/13/99 16:14:50
Own a Bike?: Yes, a little 400 Honda Hawk
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE of Cambria County (also Chapter Rep. for the chapter)
Area of the State you live in:: Johnstown - Cambria County
Everyone should go to Thunder in the Valley, Johnstown's rather new motorcycle rally!!
Brenda "Shadow" - 09/30/99 23:28:01
My Email:shadowdancer89@blazenet.net
Own a Bike?: '89 Honda Shadow 600
Belong to any biking Organizations?: GWRRA, CMA, ABATE, WOW
Area of the State you live in:: District 6 York County
It's getting near the end of the riding season but still ride on nice weekends. GWRRA PA-V is riding to the PA Grand Canyon on Sat. 10/9 ANYONE is welcome to join us but please let me know if you are. Leaving Cross Keys near New Oxford 8am back Sat. eveni
g. Looking for people to ride with on weekends. I'm 45 single. ALSO looking for a Goldwing Aspencade from mid '80's to buy. I'm ready to move up! "Keep that throttle cranked and your face in the wind."
Jennifer Strauss - 09/17/99 18:20:48
My Email:njslut@hotmail.com
Own a Bike?: working on it!
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: moving to Quakertown
I'm moving to Quakertown, PA in November and need
someone to ride with! If anyone's interested,
they should email me with info about themself...
JAYBIRD - 09/11/99 14:23:01
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:fxrscon90@aol.com
Own a Bike?: check the address
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: york
Darryll - 09/03/99 04:51:55
My Email:styxrocksme@webtv.net
Own a Bike?: 1984 v65 Magna (f'n awsome!)
Belong to any biking Organizations?: Not any street orgs. yet
Area of the State you live in:: Poconos
Looking for riding partners. (The kind that come to a full stop at red lights). Please, no Harley's
or egos.
Tom - 08/23/99 01:11:17
My Email:tjinpgh1@home.com
Own a Bike?: 90 Suzuki VX800
Belong to any biking Organizations?: AMA
Area of the State you live in:: Western Pa (Pgh area)
Nice site. I'll be checking it out often.
Dennis Fucci - 08/18/99 21:10:10
My Email:fcsclean@erie.net
Own a Bike?: Yes 94 Magna
Belong to any biking Organizations?: MRA
Area of the State you live in:: Erie, Pa.
Jim S. - 08/16/99 01:54:51
My Email:nutherbiker@hotmail.com
Own a Bike?: HD
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: York
Dennis Pakutz - 08/06/99 01:26:35
My Email:boats2u2@aol.com
Own a Bike?: 1999 Kawasaki 1200
Belong to any biking Organizations?: abate
Area of the State you live in:: district 2 Butler,Pa
- 08/05/99 22:18:31
Mr Blue - 08/03/99 22:07:30
My URL:http://www.mrblue.net
My Email:joewaite@innernet.net
Own a Bike?: One Blue Scooter ( 1996 Wing)
Belong to any biking Organizations?: GWRRA
Area of the State you live in:: Adams County
Think you have a great Page. Enjoyed visiting it.Everyone RIDE SAFE, God Bless You ALL!
mark & chris - 08/02/99 04:21:29
My Email:berk820@aol.com
Own a Bike?: damn right
Belong to any biking Organizations?: abate
Area of the State you live in:: cambria
cool site!!!
Corkie - 07/20/99 00:58:21
My Email:corkie19@ccia.com
Own a Bike?: 99 Venture
Belong to any biking Organizations?: Retreads, AMA, VTS,ABATE
Area of the State you live in:: Dist.2
Nice Site , lets support it by signing on
with your rides.
dianne - 07/15/99 01:25:46
My Email:hdmama@sunlink.net
Own a Bike?: certainly -1998 FXDL
Belong to any biking Organizations?: abate
Area of the State you live in:: Shamokin
Rick Hetrick - 07/11/99 12:56:26
My Email:rick2golf@aol.com
Own a Bike?: yes/1200 sporster
Belong to any biking Organizations?: hog
Area of the State you live in:: lawrence co.
thanks for the info!!
Rick Hetrick - 07/11/99 12:55:30
My Email:rick2golf@aol.com
Own a Bike?: yes/1200 sporster
Pete - 07/09/99 02:53:19
My Email:PSBurns
Own a Bike?: yep
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE,AMA
Area of the State you live in:: Cambria Country
GREAT site if anyone one needs someone to ride with in cambria county
email me
Pam Coyle - 07/05/99 20:23:38
My Email:LPNHoney@aol.com
Own a Bike?: No
Belong to any biking Organizations?: Not Yet
Area of the State you live in:: Lancaster
14th Annual ABATE Bash in Johnstown was great.
Shepherd - 06/30/99 17:55:42
My Email:cx650rider@aol.com
Own a Bike?: '83' CX650C Honda
Belong to any biking Organizations?: 'not yet'
Area of the State you live in:: Blair County
Just a Hello to All,
I am considering joining A.B.A.T.E and have been checking out the web site for awhile. Went on the Wildlife run June 6th and had a blast. I am looking forward to going on a few more of the runs this year. This seems to be the best place I have found for
nfo on the rides etc.
Take Care ... and Safe Riding ...
Shepherd .....
Shepherd - 06/30/99 17:50:58
My Email:cx650rider@aol.com
Own a Bike?: '83' CX650C Honda
Belong to any biking Organizations?: 'not yet'
Area of the State you live in:: Blair County
Just a Hello to All,
I am considering joining A.B.A.T.E and have been checking out the web site for awhile. Went on the Wildlife run June 6th and had a blast. I am looking forward to going on a few more of the runs this year. This seems to be the best place I have found for
nfo on the rides etc.
Take Care ... and Safe Riding ...
Shepherd .....
John Butler - 06/23/99 12:39:44
My Email:sevenforu@aol.com
Own a Bike?: yes
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: Pittsburgh
Craig Heckenstaller - 06/23/99 12:31:48
My Email:checkenstaller@franklininteriors.com
Own a Bike?: yes
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: western pa (pgh area)
Dennis Pakutz - 06/13/99 18:56:51
My Email:boats2u2@aol.com
Own a Bike?: yes
Belong to any biking Organizations?: abate
Area of the State you live in:: #2....Butler,Pa.
Wally - 06/05/99 18:33:48
My Email:datonajim@aol.com
Own a Bike?: 89 FXR
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: Lackawanna County
Brian (Xillis) A. - 06/05/99 00:05:44
My Email:Xillis@aol.com
Own a Bike?: Suki Intruder
Area of the State you live in:: Bucks Co. PA.
your sayings are good ones. I ride to enjoy and to feel free. It seems four wheelers just don't get it. Like the page
knucklehead - 06/03/99 14:15:38
My Email:knucklehead@ntr.net
Own a Bike?: 2 scoots
Belong to any biking Organizations?: H.O.G.
Area of the State you live in:: district 9 hershey
keep your scoot on the road & watch the cages!!!
knucklehead - 06/03/99 14:15:23
My Email:knucklehead@ntr.net
Own a Bike?: 2 scoots
Belong to any biking Organizations?: H.O.G.
Area of the State you live in:: district 9 hershey
keep your scoot on the road & watch the cages!!!
knucklehead - 06/03/99 14:15:03
My Email:knucklehead@ntr.net
Own a Bike?: 2 scoots
Belong to any biking Organizations?: H.O.G.
Area of the State you live in:: district 9 hershey
keep your scoot on the road & watch the cages!!!
melissa - 06/02/99 23:33:50
My Email:mntnwmn@aol.com
Own a Bike?: used to
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: nw erie
really like knowin whats goin on in pa for the serious biker
Melissa - 06/02/99 23:30:29
My URL:http://www.aol.com
My Email:mntnwmn.aol.com
Own a Bike?: used to
Belong to any biking Organizations?: no
Area of the State you live in:: erie
really enjoy reading whats goin on in pa for the serious biker
MELISSA - 06/02/99 23:28:41
AJ Settlemyer - 05/29/99 13:01:05
My Email:aj701@statecollege.com
Own a Bike?: Yes
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE of Blair County
Area of the State you live in:: Altoona
Just joined ABATE. I love it. Great bunch of people that love to ride even more than me. This is a great page and I think it will really become popular.
Cherry Tree Cycle Club, Inc - 05/25/99 01:31:37
My URL:http://www.forspeed.com
My Email:cherrytreecycle@hotmail.com
Own a Bike?: yes
Belong to any biking Organizations?: CTCC
Area of the State you live in:: Cherry Tree, PA
We are bikers like the rest of you, we like to ride in the wind. All motorcyclists are invited to our events. We hope to meet you on the road. Be careful and drive safely.
- 05/19/99 17:34:21
Kevin Snyder - 05/11/99 00:44:38
My Email:KSnyder195@aol.com
Own a Bike?: It owns me.
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE, PCOM, AMA, MRF
Area of the State you live in:: Blair County/Hollidaysburg
To All Guests: This is an open invitation from us in Blair County to our ABATE chapter meeting.
If your organization has a meeting in the District 5 area, please let me know, some of us will try to attend.
Is there anyone out there in Bedford County? Let me hear from you...
Wolfy - 05/02/99 20:06:41
My Email:www.WolvesDen@webtv.net
Own a Bike?: 96 Triumph Thunderbird
Belong to any biking Organizations?: AMA,ABATE,R.A.T.
Area of the State you live in:: District # 6
Ride every weekend somewhere! Sometimes long sometime short!!
Ria - 05/02/99 17:20:31
My Email:rphunzel@aol.com
Own a Bike?: Sort Of!
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE
Area of the State you live in:: Cambria County
This is a great Web site! It is nice to have a majority of the biking info for the state all centralized in one easy to access location! Thanks, Mr. Biker, for putting so much of your time into this and making it great.
Pa Biker - 04/27/99 22:04:01
My Email:PaByker@aol.com
Own a Bike?: Of Course
Belong to any biking Organizations?: ABATE, AMA, MRF
Area of the State you live in:: Cambria County
I wanted to test this guestbook thing to make sure it worked alright - and so I could be the first one to be listed!!
The weather is getting great and I hope all you bikers are getting the bikes out and having some fun. Just be careful - the cagers aren't used to seeing us out there quite yet!!