Club de Natation Valleycrest
Swimming Club
Annual General Meeting
of the shareholders of the Valleycrest Swimming Club
will be held on
Wednesday March 15, 2000 at 7:30pm
at the Pierrefonds Community Hall - 14068 Gouin Blvd.
(Southeast corner with René-Émard – Behind
the Pierrefonds Fire Station)
1. Addition(s) to the agenda
2. President’s report on the state of the Club
3. Treasurer’s report for fiscal year 1999
4. Nomination and election of the candidates for the following committee
a) Secretary (Bilingual, some computer knowledge, …etc.)
b) Maintenance Manager (Knowledge of plumbing, carpentry, electrical…etc.)
5. Discussion and vote by the assembly on the following proposal:
- increase the total of Valleycrest shares from 250 to 275
or increase the family membership fees from $210 (basic fee
for 2000) to $235
6. Question period
The Constitution of the Valleycrest Swimming Club does not allow voting by proxy
Your presence is required:
- To voice your opinions, suggestions and/or complaints
- To vote on proposals that matter to you
- To nominate or to be nominated to the available positions on the committee
- To elect your choice of candidates to the committee
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the
Valleycrest Swimming Club
held on the 15th of March, 2000 at 7:30pm
the Pierrefonds Community Hall -
Gouin Blvd., Pierrefonds, Qc, Canada
at the meeting:
1- Wayne Pilling
18- Lois Pickard
2- Lydie Bernard & J.R.Mimeault
19- Brenda & Gary Farrell
3- Darlene Fairlie
20- Sandi O'Shea
4- Debbie & David Diggle
21- Antonio Janeiro
5- Catherine D'Urso
22- Harold Bailey
6- Brenda Lecours
23- Mayda Cocoromytis
7- Joanne David
24- Andrea Clifford
8- David Baldoni
25- Yves Martel & Mariette St-Amour
9- Manon Giroux
26- Loana & Joe Housey
10- Diane Fafard
27- Debbie Pealow
11- Ed & Andrea Sequeira
28- Betty Sloan
12- Barbara Choquette
Summer 2000 Staff: non-voting
13- Robert Adams
Heidi Smith
14- Adriana Alberga
Audrey Guillemette
15- Uranie Karahalios
Kevin Carroll
16- Janet Rancourt
Nicholas Sergerie
17- Lory Picard
to the agenda
report on the state of the Club
Diggle welcomes the shareholders and introduces the four senior staff members.
He goes
on to say that Valleycrest has been a success for the last few years but
the cost of running the pool
is rising
all the time.
The City
of Pierrefonds is moving more and more towards 'user-pay' and its subsidies
have decreased by 30%
in the
past 5 years.
The difference
in monies to the pool is made up by fundraising and the work of volunteers.
The diving
board base needs to be replaced and a sprinkler system would need to be
installed seeing the condition
of the
grass area by the end of July each year.
year saw some changes and improvements such as the new fencing (no more
tarps to put up), "pavé-uni"
the Snack-Shack and the retaining wall with fill-in to extend the grass
area right up to the deck.
The new
passes worked well in keeping out non-members and gate monies were double
those of the previous year.
passes must be returned with this year's registration and will be validated
for this summer with a sticker.
3- Treasurer’s report
for fiscal year 1999
A copy
of the Treasurer's report for fiscal year 1999 is available to shareholders
upon request. Please e-mail your
to <> att.Darlene Fairlie .
4- Nomination and election
of the candidates for the following committee positions:
a) Secretary:
Marc Lafontaine
Nominated by Ed Sequeira
Seconded by Joe Housey
Lafontaine is voted in as secretary by acclamation .
b) Maintenance
Manager: Wayne Pilling
Nominated by Loana Housey
Seconded by Catherine D'Urso
Pilling is voted in as Maintenance Manager by acclamation .
Lois Pickard
queries the absence of J.P. Dubé, vice-president.
Diggle replies that J.P. Dubé tendered his resignation 3 weeks ago
and that the committee has chosen to
the events-organizing of the vice-presidency with the Fundraising portfolio.
Ed Sequeira, who held the latter portfolio,
has agreed
to take on both mandates as new vice-president.
asks Kevin Carroll about the schedule for the summer.
replies that an early bird swim will be introduced this year from 6:30
to 7:00am, Monday to Friday.
from the floor are halted so that the meeting may proceed with # 5.
and vote by the assembly on the following proposal:
increase the total of Valleycrest shares from 250 to 275
increase the family membership fees from $210 (basic fee for 2000) to $235
much discussion and suggestions by the following members; David Baldoni,
Uranie Karahalios, Andrea Sequeira,
Clifford, Debbie Diggle, Darlene Fairlie, Antonio Janeiro, Dave Diggle,
Robert Adams, Harold Bailey, Yves Martel
& Brenda Farrell, Manon Giroux, Joe & Loana Housey, Wayne Pilling
and Catherine D'Urso -
Adams motions for the proposal to read as two questions and to be voted
on separately.
Bailey seconds the motion.
Vote by a show of hands: No to the first part (Increase the total of VYC shares from 250 to 275)
More discussion
ensues as to the increase, if any, of the family membership fee. David
Diggle responds that the increase
$210 to $235 is necessary to run the pool properly this year.
Janeiro inquires how our fees compare to other Pierrefonds Pools.
Diggle responds that, except for Thorndale Pool that has 350 members, Valleycrest
has the lowest fees followed closely
by Thorndale.
The increase would bring us up closer to the other three pools.
Vote by a show of hands: Yes to the second part (Increase the family membership from $210 to $235)
6- Question period
Janeiro: when do we stop raising the fees?
Diggle: fees are raised only when needed and not for the sake of a raising
them. Volunteers keep the costs down
with labour and fundraising.
Pealow presents $200 to Valleycrest. This is the portion raised by the
sale of shorts and sports equipment on
weekend and at events last summer. She and her husband have their own business
"...we want to be allowed
to sell
sports equipment at one big sale at the beginning of the season, invite
the community and maybe make $2000.
All the
other pools do it."
Diggle: Other members would also like to have the same opportunity and
the last time it was offered, there were
only two takers.
Adams: re diving board base and repairs; is the deep end of the pool deep
enough for a new board?
Diggle: the board is the same, 1 meter, but it will now have a proper fulcrum
with the acquisition of a new base.
Janeiro: Could we open earlier if we have an early summer?
Diggle: We open on June 10th this year with a pre-season week with shorter
hours because kids are still in school
until later in the month and the staff are also busy with school or spring
Farrell: Would it be possible to have the costs of these repairs or new
articles laid out for the members? ...and the
rest on a wish list?
Diggle: We will take this under advisement
Joe Housey:
Could we get a proper sound system.
Diggle: We're looking into it for synchro, parties, etc...
Pilling: Would it be possible to recognize the outgoing vice-president
and maintenance manager?...
perhaps with a plaque to be hung at the pool.
Diggle: Yes
Cocoromytis: Could we have a slide...
Diggle: It's being considered
Sequeira: On very hot days the baby pool is too full. Could a bigger one
be built to accomodate all these little kids and
all the parents sitting around it.
Diggle: To build a new baby pool we need more land. We have asked the City
for the tennis courts but there has been no
response. We had been promised (verbally) a 30-foot strip a long time ago
but when the parking lot was built
we were forgotten. The brick cabane has been given to the soccer organisation.
The space behind the pumphouse
is dead space for now but we should be using it more. We have approached
Gerry Robertson about the courts.
Pickard: Alan Pickard and Michael Labelle, both members of VYC and city
councillors are working on our behalf on this
7. Meeting adjourned
by David Diggle
by Darlene Fairlie