BBA Logo 96th Cherrybrook NSW BBA Logo
96th Cherrybrook is a Boys' Brigade Australia company situated in the North-Western suburbs of Sydney.  Our company is made up of three sections.  These include Anchor Boys, Number 1 Section and Number 2 Section.  Each Section meet separately and all come together once a term for a Parade held at our local church - Cherrybrook Presbyterian.
This page has been created in a simple frame layout.  The buttons in the lower frame are links to different parts of our web-site.  There are also links at the bottom of each page.  The links are described below.
On each page, there are targets at the top leading to different parts of the page below.  These are not links to different pages, so do not think that our pages are leading you around in circles.  We are simply trying to make your browsing quicker and easier.
Definition of Links:
History  This page tells you about the history of our company.  It goes back to when the company first opened and follows the achievements of boys through the years. 
Anchor Boys  This pages lets you know about our current Anchor Boys Section.  It includes activities that are run as well as games and awards. 
No. 1 Sect  This page tells you about our current Number 1 Section.  It involves games, achievements and activities that run in the section. 
No. 2 Sect  This page lets you know about our current Number 2 Section.  It includes achievements, recent and upcoming camps, games and also activities that Number 2 Section take part in. 
Hikes in No 2
Every year No. 2 Section participate in two Expedition or Exploration Camps.  On this page there is information on these camps, as well as sample logs and reports from boys, and also GPS (Global Positioning System) Readings from our more recent hikes (1999) 
PA Camp  The Pan Australian Camp in Brisbane in early 1999 was a great success according to the boys from 96th Cherrybrook.  This pages has some comments, as well as photo's and results in Pentapac. 
Company Camp  Every year, 96th Cherrybrook's Number 1 and 2 sections go on a company camp.  This page tells you about the camp this year and some comments from boys who attended. 
These pages were created and are best viewed in 800*600 pixel screen resolution.
We hope that you learn more about our company from viewing this web-site.
This site was last updated on
Sunday, April 8th, 2001
By the 96th NSW BBA Company
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Home | History | Anchor Boys | No. 1 Section | No. 2 Section
Hikes | Pan Australian Camp | Company Camp