History |
page tells you about the history of our company. It goes back to
when the company first opened and follows the achievements of boys through
the years.
Boys |
This pages lets
you know about our current Anchor Boys Section. It includes activities
that are run as well as games and awards.
1 Sect |
This page tells
you about our current Number 1 Section. It involves games, achievements
and activities that run in the section.
2 Sect |
This page lets you
know about our current Number 2 Section. It includes achievements,
recent and upcoming camps, games and also activities that Number 2 Section
take part in.
in No 2
Every year No. 2 Section participate in
two Expedition or Exploration Camps. On this page there is information
on these camps, as well as sample logs and reports from boys, and also
GPS (Global Positioning System) Readings from our more recent hikes (1999)
Camp |
The Pan Australian
Camp in Brisbane in early 1999 was a great success according to the boys
from 96th Cherrybrook. This pages has some comments, as well as photo's
and results in Pentapac.
Camp |
Every year, 96th Cherrybrook's Number
1 and 2 sections go on a company camp. This page tells you about
the camp this year and some comments from boys who attended.