Well, here it is, September 2003 and I finally got around (much less be able to edit) my webpages. Things have been going pretty well with all things considered. I've gone on a couple of vacations, but nothing too noteworthy. Though they were good times in warm weather.
This was taken way long  ago. I think it was January of 1996. It was my 4th time out on the slopes up in Vermont. The EPVA had a ski program and I was taking as much of it in as possible. Lots of fun. This particular day was one of the coldest I've EVER went skiing in; the temperature was 8 degrees at base lodge and -3 degrees at the summit. BRRRR!!!!!!! But as always, smiling for the camera of the local paper. We made the front page.
In July 2003, I took possession of a beautiful car. A 2000 Audi S4. I never thought I would buy a 4 door sedan but after Doug Beckley showed me how to get in; I was set on getting this car. It's amazing what German engineering has done and can do. I love the feel, drive, and comfort, lest we not forget the handling too. This baby can (and wants to) go. But at the same time it's squishing your eyeballs back, it can pop 'em out again under braking. I seriously doubt this car will ever see a race track for serious competition. Not that I (or it) wouldn't have too much of a problem out there!