Not sure how many of you have heard me estimate our number in the family as "around 70" but as it turns out I was dead wrong and I'm writing this now to correct the's now 8pm as I write this and I've been collecting profiles all afternoon....I'm not even done yet however I can say this much for certain......the package of personal sheets I'm using one per family member for came wraped in plastic enclosing two pads of 50 sheets per pad......I've already long exsausted the first pad and have only 17 sheets left on the second....which means not only has it been conclusively proven that I can't count but also that instead of renting a place to stay for the huge summer arizona family get together we'd should be looking into what small towns are going for"G"LMAO"
Much love to my arizona family....all how ever many
of you there are"S" minx-in-a-chatroom
Only one reason I pull out my HTML books for other
than illusionst hacking.........and that reason is my
beloved Arizona Family.......who hasn't been so
loving of each other of late.......this makes me very
I'm also extremely angry and outraged that it's been
allowed to go this far.
For the record;ANYONE who can not comprehend
that the handles in chat have REAL PEOPLE with
REAL FEELINGS behind them at the other end of
the keyboard does not belong in this family.
If I just discribed you GET OUT!!!
It's not a difficult concept here.......if you so
desire to interact in an enviroment where your direct
words and actions have no consquences;if you think
your behavior one day should have no affect on how
people precieve/interact with you the next~~~~~go buy
yourself a consele gaming system like the Playstation
along with an Role Playing Game.....there you shall
find the reset button which shall solve all your
eletronic social woes instantaneously.
If you're still reading I'll take it to mean
you're are not the type of person I discribed
{otherwise you'd had gotten out while the getting was
good already}
I'm glad you're still here.......gladder still
that I've had the honor of knowing some of the finest
people I've never laid eyes on."S"
I want to continue having that honor......I have
every intention of doing so.I have absolutely NO
intention of allowing the Second Arizona Family War
to take that from me.Some things are just too
precious to give up without a fight and I consider
this family one of those aforementioned things.
The quandry faced by me on how I could fight back
without winning a Pharic Victory was a hard one to
solve.......I'm not saying my solution is
painless;it's way may very well make
things worse before they get better but the most
important thing is that things WILL GET
BETTER......right now there's nothing else out there
in front of us that I know of offering that hope of
complete healing.If there's a way that works better
somebody tell me,please!.........after school work I
had to do today,my hands have degenerated into
visions of lobster claws thanks to my tendonitis of
the fingers/carpel tunnel syndrome.I keep getting
visions of Red LObster Resterant employees kidnapping
me and throwing me in a huge pot of boiling
water.......I DON"T WANNA BE AN ENTREE!!!
Ok,now that we all understand minx's hand's feel
worse by the second with every second of typing I nw
request you all make my life a little easier
hey minx! so do all of us
get a copy of this thing you were working on? that
would be nifty! i would love to have a copy of that
myself! don't know about the rest of ya though...but
it would be neat! naybe it could be posted on this
page in text form or something...i would even
volunteer to help do the typing! *l*
MINX: As your
personal typist and everyday assistant... I will
completely take on the task of typing up all those
profiles... or maybe me & Rach could split em... it's
a super thing you've done... although I'm curious as
to what's on my sheet! *LOL*
tay, trust me on this, if
the list is as long as she says it is, and you are
getting those wisdom teeth out tomorrow, you will
definitely need help typing all them up. cause you
will feel like total crap after the drugs wear off.
at least i did, and my dentist looked like santa
claus! *l*
'Evening family....HUGE HUGS......11:43 in the
evening to be eXact as I commence writing this with
the back ends of two pencils and only god and the
chat daemon spy {aka (null) }knows when I'll
done...... in case no one's noticed I despise having
to set up web pages........anyone lacking proof
should go check out my's that blank
thingy in athens/delphi.......or it is if geocities
hasn't already erased it due to the cobwebs there.
Here we go family......this is the page I discussed with some of you previously........those who havent a clue what I'm talking about are simply going to have to wait till the thing's fully functional and it's format is finallized.
The War Crimes page introduces a new format for pages on the official arizona of the most important features of this new format will be the double edit.......what this means is there will be one page in the Arizona Family HP which will be added to using the password common to all family addition there will be an Identical "mirrior" page on another site where all entrys from the AF WC page will be duplicated{cut and paste} so that they match exactly.
So minx,you might ask,what's the point in having two pages with the exact same thing on them?Glad you asked.......the point is this second mirrior site will have the password in the hands of very few.....this will disallow for people editing other people's comments.Pont blank if BOTH pages don't match exactly then the entry in question will be known to have been altered/removed.We have already have had problems with people deleteling other people's stuff from this geocities account without asking and {presumably} without malice in the name of disk space {or at least I hope that was thier intent for they're not in the habit of leaving notes on the moniter windshield};now what do you think will happen if someone actually had motivation to change/delete what other's wrote.....prehaps because they thought it uncomplementey to themselves or thier friends?
Everyone is encourged to make "mirrior"s of the WC page......the more copies under different passwords the less chance of someone getting edited.
Next feature is actually the importance of keeping a lack of multi-media features........for the record this means NO backgrounds,NO music,NO hard to make out fonts,NO FRAMES!In other words,NO DISTRACTIONS!
This page is ment as a forum to get us talking again {or yelling for I'll take any form of cummunication at this point} and to shut down that accursed rumor mill with the power of truth;not as a personal multimeda showcase.
This sounds real "female dogg" like of me,I'm sure....but there is logical reasoning behind it......The longer load time involved the less likely people will finish loading the page/or less often feeling they have better things to do..........the harder the page is to read the less often they will come back out of fustration.......the more add-ons aside from text,the more likely people mantaining mirrior sites will feel crunched for time when copying the new entries and eventually may feel it's too much trouble which will lose us are saftey net of accuracy we will have in the mirrior pages......frames loads faster but is annoying as all hell when the "back" browser function is being used and annoyed people are not likely to revist.
That's not to say the page will be one unending page of size 3 font black text on a gerey background....just that it has to be done in consideration of what's practical,not what's "cool".......we'll have to evalute what works with the least ammount of clutter and that doesn't give our colorblind family members problems reading the page {yes,we do have so genetically color blind people in the family for those who didn't know}
One of the other important features which will cross over to other Arizona pages is the addition of e-mail notificTION EVERY TIME A CHANGE IS MADE TO AN INDIVIDAUAL PAGE WITHIN THE OFFICIAL HP{acursed sticking caps lock button,sorry} will have to register for this so don't worry about getting unwanted don't register,you don't get notified.
That's not everything but it's all my painfull wittle hands can handle typing at the's now 1:38 in the morning.......all personal gripes/comments with what I just wrote can be sent to any of my numerous e-mail addys......if you don't know of any try mailing my favorite {retired} hacking dummie's at mothertere