Or As Rach Called It, The Celtic Bitch Page
Hi, everyone, thanks for visiting here... you might be asking what the point of this page is. I'll tell you honestly, it's 5:30 in the morning, and I'm BORED OUT OF MY SKULL. So I thought to myself, "What better way to spend my time then create a new page for my lovely friends to enjoy?"
It also so happens that every once in awhile I just need to let some steam off, to let my coffee perk, as they say. You know, just bitch about little things that bug me. I've been told that I don't really express my negative feelings very well. So I'm going to use this page to vent my petty angst. Sure, my problems may seem trivial to some, but hell, we all got our idiosyncrisies, and this is a lot cheaper than that moronic shrink I used to see. *LOL*
This is a pretty stylin' background, don't you think? For your information, that symbol is a Celtic triskele, and it means eternity. I'm on a real Irish kick these days. All of a sudden I'm really into my heritage, you know, finding my roots and all that. Here's a link to a great Celtic site, if you're so inclined...
The Celtic Connection
November 22nd, 1997
All right, here we go... here's what's bugging me this week. First of all, I CAN'T SLEEP! Well, that's not entirely correct. I can sleep, just not during the conventional hours. Example in point - tonight. It's close to 6am, and I haven't been to bed yet. I'm not even tired. Like, what the HELL is wrong with me? I don't want to turn into a Nytol junkie, so sleeping pills are out of the question. All all that counting sheep shite is just that... shite. Argh, it's just bugging me. Nothing's happening at this time of day.
Also, my navel ring is infected. It's really gross, and pretty painful too. I won't get into the graphic details, but suffice to say, you don't want to see my abdominal area right now. And that sucks, because I can't wear half of my shirts, because they're halftops. Which means I have to do laundry twice as often, and it costs me more. Then I have less money for other nice things.
****NICE THING****
Yep, that's the rule. If I bitch, I have to add something nice in here too, so this page won't be an absolute cesspool of depression. I got a new pair of sunglasses from Club Monaco this week. They're (predictably enough) silver, and they go great with my silver jacket. I really like them.
January 5th, 1998
Today's bitch is jetlag. I'm like 8 hours off schedule or something, and I can't even figure out if I'm ahead or behind. All I know for sure is that I sleep all day and stay up all night, and I get hungry at the stupidest of times! It's really messing me up. Also, no more than 24 hours after my flight, I can feel myself coming down with Flight Sickness. See, in airplanes, they recycle the air instead of replacing it with fresh air, and as a result, if one person on the plane is sick, everyone can potentially become exposed and thereby infected. And since my immune system works on an extremely part-time basis, every time I fly, I get sick. This time it feels like strep, maybe an ear infection too. Last time, it was pneumonia. The airlines have got to do something about this, otherwise I'm going to make a point of handing out surgical masks to everyone on my flight before takeoff and demand they wear them.
A lovely surprise when I got back, only yesterday... in my absence, my apartment building had a commitee vote, and banned smoking from the building completely. I'm convinced they planned the vote on purpose so that i wouldn't be there, and that pisses me off. It's my apartment, dammit, I should be able to smoke there if I want to!
****NICE THING****
Hell, I got to go to Ireland. I think it's worth the little bit of sick I'm suffering. It was the most awesome trip of my life. I'm still reveling in how beautiful that country is.
June 16th, 1998
Our next topic is work. Yes, that's right you heard it here first, (well, probably not, since I've been complaining about it for like a month now) I am no longer among the millions of unemployed in this lovely land. But here's the deal. I love my job as a glorified and much revered gas jockey/cashier queen. I meet tons of cool people, everyone I work with is just great, the money isn't all that bad either, keeps me in smokes and liquor, with some spare change left over for CDs and whatever else catches my fancy. But I really, really, really hate having to get up at 500am every morning to get there. Now granted, it's true I am a typical female who takes an hour and a half to get ready each day, and if I could learn to take a 5 minute shower instead of a 40 minute one, I'd be able to sleep in a lot more. But how do you wash your hair, your body, then condition your hair, wash your face, rinse yourself off, then towel dry all in 5 minutes?? If there's some sort of trick that I don't know, would someone please tell it to me? But I digress. Needless to say, I'm like a mega-bitch all day long from lack of sleep, and somewhat surly to anyone who gets in the way of my coffee mug and my hand. ALL I WANT IS THE NIGHT SHIFT!! Soon though. Soon.
Also, in other news, I HATE MY FUCKING COMPUTER. Sorry about the obscenity, but if you've never seen that word come forth from my fingers as they type, you don't know me very well. Anyway, this piece of ratshite keeps breaking down, and it's less than a year old. First the entire hard drive crashed, and I had to reformat it not once, but twice, thereby losing every single scrap of stuff I had saved. Now, just a month ago, the monitor gave out just as I was in the final stages of ordering some awesome CDs from CDNow and it took a month for me to get a replacement, since I lost the warranty card. And it's starting to have the same sort of peoblems the old one did, which leads me to believe it isn't the monitor, but the HD again, messing things around. I also never got my CDs, since they're all out of stock now and I have to wait 3 months for a new order or something. Drives me nuts, since this was the first time I've been able to get ahold of them, since they're all rare and stuff. Don't know how I'm gonna live with myself.
****NICE THING****
I have Foo Fighters tickets... I have Foo Fighters tickets... the concert is in 23 days!!! I'm so excited, I can hardly sleep at night, and I play the CDs nonstop! Plus, there's a new Foo single out called 'Baker Street,' which I understand is a remake of a song by some other, less cool guy. The single is an import too, just like my other ones, which means it's gonna be a toughie to find. But believe me, I WILL PREVAIL!
August 5th, 1998
Oooooh, I could just scream!!! Someone backed into my beloved car today, busting out the taillight and scraping up the bumper and the paint... but that's not what really pisses me off. I understand that people can make errors in judgement of distance, and occasionally make mistakes. Fine. We all do it. But this guy... this guy DROVE OFF! We're talking hit and run here. I was at work, right, and my car was parked around the side of the building, where I couldn't see it. Luckily, there was a witness, one of the regular customers at the store, who saw the whole thing go down, and got the guy's licence plate number, as well as the model of the car. Fuckin' Jeep Cherokees! I'm sorry, but I hate all sport utility vehicles. They're a menace to smaller cars such as mine. Apparently, his bumper rode up on top of mine, basically killing the entire back end. Then he had the nerve to leave the scene, without even checking to see if there was any damage to my car! Which is no heap of junk, let me tell you. It is one stylin' automobile. Then, to make matters worse, there were so many customers at the store, I couldn't leave to take a look and estimate how much damage there was, so I was totally stressing for at least 15 minutes until the place cleared out. So I called the police, who arrived on the scene approximately (and I'm not joking) 6 hours later to take my statement and get the guy's info. They called him up, and HE LIED TO THEM!!! He told them that he shut off his car, got out, and inspected both cars for damage, and saw nothing. BULLSHIT! It's pretty fucking hard to miss the fact that my brake light is scattered all over the pavement, and there's a dent in the bumper as big as my fist!!! Not to mention the huge paint scrapes from his car onto mine. But he's basically screwed. Not only does he have to pay for all the repairs, plus the cost of the appraisal, I can charge him with hit-and-run and leaving the scene of an accident if I choose to. And I will, goddammit. Because if that customer hadn't happened to get his plate number, I would be paying for everything right now, and it wasn't my fault. I was 50 feet away from my car, for god's sake. Someone who doesn't even understand the concept of owning up to your responsibilities doesn't deserve to be let off easy.
Also, I broke my toe a couple days ago. My pinkie toe on my left foot. I was playing soccer with some friends, and I accidentally kicked my best friend in the shin. What can I say... his leg was in the way of the ball. So he has a huge nasty bruise, and I've got this smashed-up toe, so now I can't wear my Docs, or any shoes, for that matter, except for sandals. It hurst a lot, regardless.
Wow, I feel better now!
****NICE THING****
Well, I only have 5 more days left at work. I decided that I don't want to work while I'm in school, and since the fall semester starts in a couple weeks, I decided to quit a bit early, and have some time off to kick back and chill. I'm really looking forward to it. My cats have also stopped throwing up, something they've been doing consistently for the past week and a half. They keep chewing on my freaking plants, and nothing I do keeps them away from them. It was getting so that the first thing I did when I got home was to inspect the floor for puke... I'm glad they're feeling better though.
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