These instructions will be for flarin' counter-clockwise. If you have room, start out with your legs
together (or pretty close), then take a jump step to your left and land with your left leg slightly
behind your right one (your legs are spread now). While doing this, swing your arms so that your
left arm is extended in the air in front of you and your right arm is down behind you (almost like
John Travolta's Stayin' Alive stance) (your body must be slightly twisted to do this). *Then kick
your left leg low to the ground behind you, and just before your left leg is about to sweep out
your right ankle, jump high with your right leg as high as possible (sounds stupid, but try to kick
your face) (Note: I've seen some b-boys actually kick their right leg and I used to do it to, but it
hurts after a while).
While kickin' your left leg behind you, you should swing your arms around so that your left arm
touches the ground (keep it pretty close to your body so that your body can have leverage) and
your right arm is now up in the air above your head (Note: all your weight will now be on your
left arm). Now after your left leg goes under your right leg, it'll be in front of you. Now, you also
have to put your right arm down parallel to your left one (about shoulder width apart). Both legs
are now in front of you with your weight supported on your arms. Now, you must lift your left
arm and left leg (lift your left leg very high, almost kickin' the side of your head) at the same time
so that you can bring your right leg under your left one. (Note: all your weight is now restin' on
your right arm). Now, as both legs go behind you, you must put your left hand down so that all
your weight is restin' on your hands (you're in a semi-handstand position with your legs spread
behind you).
To go around again for another rotation, just pick up your right arm so that all your weight is
resting on your left arm, and then swing your left leg under very quickly with your right leg high in
the air again. Repeat the instructions stated.
The above method is simply used to gain momentum because the key to flarin' continuously is
momentum (it's a plus if you have madd abdominal and upper body muscles), but there are
different ways of gainin' momentum.
If you have little room, you can get into a flare by standin' straight with your legs together. You
then swing your left leg in front of your right leg and then swing it back out slightly behind your
right one (like in the above instructions). While doing this swing your arms in that John Travolta
position with your left arm extended in the air and your right arm down at your side (your body
must be slightly twisted). Then repeat instructions from where the asterix is above.
Key points: Always have your legs as straight as possible with toes pointed, and keep your legs
spread apart. You must also torque your hips and shoulders properly, but that's hard to explain.
CT Styles representin' Oriental Breakin' Styles crew