Lets assume the broke vehicle is "A" and the other
vehicle is "B"
Take the (shorter)ground lead and hook it from vehicle
"B",s Negative battery cable (it doesnt have to go to the battery
directly..the frame works great..just find a bolt somewhere) to vehicle
"A",s Positive. It doesnt have to go directly to the battery
(the starter stud is a great place to hook it). Now, hook the cable that
you have the stinger on to the Positive of vehicle "B". Now put
a rod in the other end and you are ready to weld on vehicle "A" Basically
what you are doing is completing a 24 volt circuit. It works great and
if both batteries are charged you can weld for 15 minutes or so without
draining them. This is not the best way in the world to weld, but it does
work great and is not too difficult with a little practice if you already know
how to weld. You weld for about 3 seconds at a time. It seems hard to maintain
a constant arc, but it does penetrate great. I will try to put a pic of
this up if this seems confusing or if you have any questions just go back
to my home page and e-mail me. PLEASE NOTE: This is an emergency setup and I cannot assume ANY liability for anything anybody does or whatever happens from using my advice. -From the law offices of Dewey, Cheatem, and Howe.