I started to construct this site in a period of my life that I was looking for strong women as role models.

My research for powerful women started from ancient Greek mythology and reached today. It did reveal that there are strong women in every era, in all times. It also helped me realize that the road to self-realization goes within. In the path of the inner warrior, one does not need to fight any more: Victory over war!

This homepage is a homage to all women who have influenced and inspired me.

I'm guided by a signal in the heavens
I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin ,
I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.
--- Leonard Cohen

Women in the Arts and everyday life
Women Warriors in myth and history
Warrior Philosophy
Women Martial Artists Profiles
Bibliography on Women Warriors

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E-mail Artemis: artemisgr.geo@yahoo.com
The logos of the women warriors and the Amazons were designed by Paris Parissis. Many thanks to Hermeia of Athens as well.