At the time of this writing there are six members of the elusive KooKoo Bird living on the banks of the Colorado River in the desert of Southern California.
These birds are extremely rare and because of the danger of them becoming extinct, they have been placed on the endangered list.
There are rumors going around that these beautiful birds were living in Petsburgh, but these have been proven to be unfounded, as they much prefer the adventurous lifestyle of Baja.
KooKoo Birds are about the size and shape of an ostrich and have really long legs which makes them extremely fast runners. This is helpful when they are running through the desert sands in the summertime. They also have webbed feet which make them excellent swimmers. Their tail feathers are as long as a lion's tail and are different colors. The feathers on their head match those on their tails, only these are not as long.
The KooKoo family consists of the Daddy KooKoo, Mama KooKoo and four female KooKoo offspring. The Daddy KooKoo is much taller than the Mom KooKoo, but that's okay since he's the one to bring home the food.
Mom KooKoos are known to be very protective of the babies and have been known to throw pink spam at intruders. Not much is known at this time how much more protective these Mom birds can get.
Not much is known about what they eat, but I've been told that the two adults love eating pizza and the KooKoo offspring like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or bologna sandwiches.
A little bit about their habitat. This is KooKoo Bird Island. It's so peaceful during the winter months and this is where they like to spend most of their time with the Baby KooKoos. KooKoo parents are very protective of the offspring so approach this island with caution! There's no telling what the KooKoo parents will do if they feel their offspring are threatened.
This is the Colorado River Rock Man. He came into existence many, many years ago...before the KooKoo Birds came to live in the California desert. River Rock Man watches over the KooKoo Birds to make sure no harm comes to them. Rumors have it that if boaters get TOO rowdy, he'll spit big rocks at them.
More KooKoo Birds have been spotted and you can read about them on their own page.

A new breed of KooKoo Bird has just been spotted! It's called the KooKoo Dog.


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