cats under the stars gif


Israeli flag

Click here for more Israeli flags .

In 1971 my family moved to live in Israel,and in 1981 I moved back to the U.S. My experiences in Israel have etched a love for that land in my heart that grows deeper with time in spite of the political conflicts. We've been back to visit many times. Each time I get to see the differences in a country that is growing faster than most of the world.

Links gif

The Office of the Prime Minister
Official website of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Jerusalem Post
Israeli newspaper published in English.

American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee
Cyber-center for pro-Israeli Activism in the U.S.

Israeli Culture
Excellent Index by

Bat Shalom
Feminist peace organization for Israeli women.

Heb rew Tutorial
Great way to start learning Hebrew. Includes some REAL AUDIO.

Main source for links to anything to do with Israel.

Israeli internet guide.

Israeli law and internet information.

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cats under the stars gif

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