1. What Happened? A glue joint broke
and a wooden carrier holding the Aiptek DV2 camcorder fell 32 inches.
2. Result: The monitor screen was white. No buttons worked.
To turn the camera off, a battery had to be removed.
3. Hint: Found on the internet was an observation regarding
a dropped PV2 that the lens opening was no longer centered.
4. Objective: Since that was the case here also, I tried to
find how to once again center the lens opening. On the optics end
of the camera the lens opening is behind what appears to be a
larger circle of plain glass.
5. Action: Remove the optics end of the camera by removing
two small machine screws, one top, one bottom. (My screwdriver
set came from a dollar store, or was it Just 99, or the 97 cent
store.) Carefully pull the end cover of the camera away from the
6. Luck! Pressing firmly at the top of the lens-optical
detector parts, something went CLICK! and the parts moved.
7. Fixed? The monitor screen showed video and icons, and the
buttons worked.
8. Finally. Use care in pushing the camera end back into place.
The selector of distance-close up must slide over the rotation
post on the lens assembly. Put the screws back. Hope the focus
is still good.
9. Conclusion: This anecdote reports one repair of one
dropped DV2.
10. Postscript: I wonder why it worked. Maybe an electrical
connection of the lens-detector assembly was remade by clicking
something back into a socket. But I do not want to open the
camera more just to find out how it was put together. It is
the old New England saying, "If it ain't broke again, don't fix
it again."