Welcome to my Family Home Page

I was born in the town of Zejtun Malta on the 22nd September 1949, the second son of Johnmari and Jovana Gatt. In 1951 my family migrated to Australia. My brother Joe was 2 1/2 years old and I was 18 months old. We lived in the Latrobe Valley until in 1954 we move to Sunshine, a western suburb of Melbourne. I attended St. Paul's Primary school and Sunshine Technical secondary school. During that period my parents had two more children, my brothers David and Mario. My first full-time job was with the sporting goods manufacturer Spaldings . I joined the gasket manufacture Richard Klinger in 1970 as an estimator and later as a sales representative. In 1978 I joined AA Gaskets as their Sales/Marketing manager. In 1989 I was appointed General manager of the company. I left AA Gaskets in 2000. In January 2001 I joined Sealing Components Australia the agents for world renowned mechanical seal manufacturer NOK as the Manager. In June 2001 I bought a 1/3 share of the company.

Lynette was born on the 13th October 1952, the fourth of fourteenth children of Louis and Marjorie Males at the Queen Victoria Hospital in Melbourne. She lived her childhood in the Victorian country city of Ballarat. I meet Lynette at Spaldings and we married at St. Paul's church West Sunshine on the 7th November 1970. Lyn after many year of taking care of me and our children is now working with the aged as a PCA (personal care attendant). She has just finished a 12 month PCA course  and is considering doing a advance course and possible doing a division one nursing course.    

We have five children, Rhonda, Johnny, Annette, Adrian and Katrina. Our three eldest children are married and we have seven grand children, Mara and Judzea (Johnny's) Reece, Blake and William (Annette's) and Hayden and Riley (Rhonda's).

new.gif (1751 bytes)   New addition - William Charles LeLong

New family photo taken just before Christmas 2002

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Rhonda & Timothy Fogarty

Rhonda our eldest married Timothy on the 12th November 1994. They have two sons Hayden Bryan born 9th October 1996 and Riley John born 3rd August 1998. They have a cabinet making business called Timberon and Sons. 

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John & Fiona Gatt

John our second child and eldest son married Fiona Snedden on the 3rd December 1995. They have two daughters Mara Catherine born 4th May 1996 and Judzea Adriana born 23rd May1999.John and Fiona are Director's of their own company and work together from a home office, running a web site and handling international marketing for the largest silicon chip manufacturer in Taiwan. The web site they run and the work they do can be found here www.viaarena.com . Mara is now in her first year of school and Judzea is now 3 and attends kinda

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Annette & Roy Le Long

Annette  our third child and second daughter and Roy have three boys. Reece James born 21st May 1996 and Blake Owen born 5th August 1998 and the new addition William Charles born 5th December 2002

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Adrian and Katrina

Adrian and Katrina are still at Home. Adrian is a boiler maker and Katrina is just looking for a job..

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