Bike Photo Collection
Colección de fotos y bicicletas

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 Description (Country / Year ) Author / Photographer
Pau & Sister with bike/car (Spain 1974) Photo from family
Pau's Sister sreaming (Spain 1972) Photo from family
Pau on tricicle (Spain 1972) Photo from family
Cool Mariela under palms's shadow (Argentina 1999) Photo from friend
Someone near the Maggiore Lake  (Switzerland 1999) Photo from Eugeni
Someone in Sforzesco's Castle (Milan) (Italy 1999) Photo from Eugeni
The great bike's parking in Firenze (Italy 1999) Photo from Montse 
 No cars in the center of Firence (Italy 1999) Photo from Montse
 Montse around Italy, now in Firence (Italy 1999) Photo from her husband
Miquel Angel son's in Catalonia (Spain 1999) Photo from her Miquel Angel
Bike friends in Guipuzcoa Ave Barcelona (Spain 1999) Photo from Lupentan
Bike friends II in Guipuzcoa Ave Barcelona (Spain 1999) Photo from Lupentan
Bike friends in Guipuzcoa Ave Barcelona (Spain 1999) Photo from Lupentan
Amazing !!! a flea on a bike, Miniature Musseum in Guadalest (Near Benidorm , Spain 1999) Photo from Lupentan
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