I dreamed of places far away, of things barely remembered because the dreams are from a time so long ago that my memory faded.
I remembered long talks, holding hands, sharing dreams and hopes.
I also remember the sad goodbye. The feeling that my world had been taken away - - that we were never meant to be.
Yet, the memory of his parting kiss, filled with such tenderness and love, would stay with me to haunt my mind.
Time passes slowly when memories refuse to fade into oblivion.
My longing heart refused to forget what brought it so much joy.
An eternity, destined to be lived in loneliness because of a dream I could not attain, filled my heart with sorrow.
I could not escape. His warm love encompassed me and there was no turning back. I was lost without him.
Suddenly, he was there again.
Through the distance, his love reached out to me and I knew that he was no longer a dream.
The destiny that brought us together in the beginning had chosen not to keep us apart.
With joy in my heart, he is there once again - - - this time we share something more and know that the sorrow was something we had to endure because time had placed us together long before we had the right to have a choice.
I can't help but smile. Amazed that although there is passion - - we share a warm sensation of comfort at the thought of being in each others arms.
A different beginning has taken place.
Even our hearts know that it is not the same as it was before. This time it is a deeper love that brings us together.
We both share the warmth of knowing each others deepest feelings and thoughts.
The passion never ended, but this time it is because of a bonding of our love.
We share so much delight in our feelings, the joy of discovering the wonder and beauty in sharing each others touch consumes us.
It is more than our dreams ever could have imagined.
Our hearts are intertwined. . .beating with the beauty of a love so deep that we wonder at its depth. We are overcome with happiness.
Our dreams are suddenly a reality.
Never again will we need to wonder what the other is feeling...there is no more need. We just seem to know.
My heart overflows with happiness. I now know what true love really means.
I know that I will love him forever.
I know that he will love me forever.
We have found something few people ever do. . ."Happily Ever After".
So today, I give him my heart, and all my love.
He holds it close and knows that it was not given in haste.
It was not given with a promise in mind, for we have never felt the need to make them.
It was given for the simple reason that we love each other, from the very depths of our hearts.
The Author,