these pictures of me was when i graduated from clearfield job core center as a full progam completer and i began living with my mother and step-dad while i was going to college for advanced computer repair, programming, and networking systems that was these 4 pictures because i was just being goofy |
im sorry if this picture is a little dark my digital camera was working really hard on that picture of my newest car 89 ford probe standard hatchback color midnight blue like the prelude but this paint is much darker i just thought i would show you people finally i still miss my avenger but oh well i guess i will buy another one by the way it's in the garage |
by the way this is my other sweetheart i love this girl to death i have almost no memory without her oh by the way her name is shady and she is about 13 years old poor little lady cannot climb up stairs anymore and trips over her own hairry feet now, and she also eats grass like a horse i think she's funny but she still loves me, jason "brother", crystal "sister" she may not be here when my sister gets back from nebraska but you can tell she still knows crystals picture i would let my sister talk to shady but shady has verry sensitive hearing i believe so i don't do that. but that dog is cuter than hell she keeps the mail man off the yard lol hell my parents have to have a po box now because she scared the hell out of the mail man im guessing i wasn't a good influance. but i lover |
ok now i don't really know why i put this picture up my hot lady friend wanted pictures of me naked and flexing muscles so if you have a problem with it get off this site because my sexy little friend thinks its hot and it makes me wonder why am i agreen with this in the first place but fuck it i guess just so you ladies know this is the only picture you will ever see |