New St George Morris - main page: hit this if you've got lost!

Where, how and why, kit, etc.

Our members, in all their glory!

What dances we do -  includes details of the Alexandra Park Road Stick Dance, N.22

What we got up to in 2000 (includes separate pages on specific events)

What we *think* we're doing in 2001, as it stands at present.

Just a few neat pics!

What's that, then?

The team is named after a song by Richard Thompson - here it is!

Let us waft you elsewhere in the cyberverse...


These people were daft enough to sign our guestbook.

Go on, show us you're daft enough, too!

Email New St George

There are two ways to contact us using email:

New St George Morris - email the secretary

Click here to contact the secretary about bookings, practices or for general information.

New St George Morris - email the webmaster

Click here to contact the webmaster with technical comments about the site, or to request the installation, update or removal of an entry on the links page.