If you get lost, this is where to regroup.

Where, how and why, kit, etc.

Our members, in all their glory!

What dances we do -  includes details of the Alexandra Park Road Stick Dance, N.22

What we got up to in 2000 (includes separate pages on specific events)

What we *think* we're doing in 2001, as it stands at present.


What's that, then?

The team is named after a song by Richard Thompson - here it is!

Let us waft you elsewhere in the cyberverse...

Drop us a line - they can't touch you for it!

These people were daft enough to sign our guestbook.

Go on, show us you're daft enough, too!


 Just a few fun pictures of our doings…



Press photo: Langar fête



Christmas kiss, anyone?

No comment

Just a blur


Rob: “Oi! Mind me parts!”


Steve: “Too late for that, mate!”


Accidents will happen…


Xena and Callisto watch out!

George hitches a ride

Brazen Socks


Saturday Night in the dark

The “oi”s have it!


All synchronised…

…and everybody doing something different!



Animal corner…

George in all his finery - though he seems to have forgotten to put on his shirt and trousers…

Snort and Fume, the stunt dragons.

These guys don’t work cheap!

Loony Stick-Eating Labrador

(Goadby Marwood variety)


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