Every week, we get hundreds of email from fans all over the country. Some are
directed towards us, and some of them are directed towards Ms. McEntire herself!
Here are some of our most favorites... if you would like your letter added to this list, please
tell us. Your email address will NOT be used
unless you specifically ask us to post it. Thanks everyone!
One fan said about RebaFAN homepage...
"I loved the song ratings. I thought I was the only person in the world
who loved the song 'This Picture', but you both left some great ones off
of your list... 'Is There Life Out There?'...'Fancy'...and one of my all
time favorites 'Letting go'"
(Note from Trevor & Gypsywoman: We love those songs too! Keep checking our Page Makers' Picks,
and you're bound to see those songs there soon!)
Another fan wrote to Reba...
"Hi Reba, just wanted to let you know that your music is wonderful. Keep up
the good work."
A teenager wrote to us...
"i love reba. i am going to her concert in portland oregon. i would
like to meet her back stage. i am 16, and have everyone of her c.d.'s."
This is only a partial list... many more to come!
Thanks for writing to us! We love reading your mail!!
Sorry if we don't get back to you right away... we're working on it!
Special thanks to Geocities
for hosting Trevor & Gypsywoman's RebaFAN.
Last updated and copyright November 24, 1996, by
rebafan@geocities.com. All rights