Aurora and Caleb

Here’s a picture of Aurora.

She’s human, something that few members of the Café are. She's obsessive about certain things, including vampires, she's impatient and can be outgoing at times. She's 23 years old, about 5’6" tall, ad around 110 pounds. Her eyes are a very bright blue, which she's been told that people can get lost in. Her hair is long and red, and falls in waves down her back to rest just above her waist. Overall, she is very pretty. She is currently wearing a pair of semi-tight jeans, which show off her figure, a pale blue shirt, which accents her eyes, and a pair of gym shoes. A thin gold necklace, and several gold rings are the only jewelry that she wears.

She was born in a small town, just outside of Chicago. She moved several times in her life, trying to escape her memories and her family. As she entered the Café she had dark mascara streaks running down face from crying. The reason was this, she'd had a very bad past. Her childhood had started out very rough, and she got hurt very bad. This made her have trouble opening up and getting close to anyone. She escaped her pain by burring herself in books, which gave her a chance to forget about her life and have someone else's life for a while. When she discovered the series of books by the author Anne Rice called The Vampire Chronicles, she felt like she found a friend in Lestat, and believes the books to be true. But this couldn't help her forever, and she left home as soon as she could. Unfortunately, as soon as she found someone that she thought she could trust, he ended up hurting her.

His name is Mike. His hair is short, a dirty blonde color, and his eyes are hazel. He has nicely tanned skin, and a large mouth that is always smiling, when he's sober, that is. He is really quite handsome, that was what first attracted her to him.

She and her ex-boyfriend, Mike, got along great, and she was in love with him. They moved in together after only a couple months. It all started when he was convinced that she'd been cheating on him, when she wasn't . Out of nowhere he hit her. After that, for no excuse at all, he would always do it. It got to the point that she would be on the floor crying and begging him to stop before he would. More often than not, he would've been drinking before hand, and would just pass out after a while. He was fine when he wasn't drunk, though. He'd even apologize for it when he was sober, and promise never to do it again, but never kept his promises. After a couple months, he was always drunk, and threatened to *really* hurt her if she ever told anyone, or if she tried to leave him. So, she just pretended like everything was normal. She was constantly trying to find ways to leave him, but was too afraid he'd find her. Eventually, she got up the courage to leave. She waited until he went through his usual routine of screaming about one thing or another, blaming her for it, and finally passing out. She grabbed her purse, and took all the money out of his wallet as he lay unconscious on the floor, and left before he woke up. She got in her car, and drove off, never looking back.

Eventually, she arrived in the Café de Minuit. After being in the Café for only a short time, she met Caleb Abbott, written by my sister, Mel, and the two instantly fell in love. Caleb is 25 in mortal years. I say mortal years, because he's immortal. He's a vampire, although he has never killed. He's actually about 100 to 200 years old. He's tall with medium length blond hair which is usually pulled back, and cornflower blue eyes, which allowed Aurora to understand what people meant about being able to lose themselves on her eyes. His face is handsome and tranquil, and he's strong and agile, well built and muscular but youthful. And has a serenity about him that sometimes disguises the fact that he is a vampire as he looks nearly mortal in dim light. He's all around beautiful.

When Aurora met him, he was wearing a white shirt and black pants. At one point, he was wearing a leather jacket, but he no longer is. Now he wears a pair of jeans, a dark vest and a long silver chain with a silver cross around his neck.

Caleb was born and bred in the English countryside with his parents and older brother. His older brother was expected to take over for their father so Caleb simply did what he wanted and was never expected to please anyone. When an accident killed his brother all of the family responsibly was thrust on him and rather than be restricted to his father's footsteps he left the countryside to go to America. He never made it. Alive. He was killed and turned by the vampire onboard and his first glimpse of America was through vampire eyes.

Hilda Abbott took him in but it ended badly with Caleb leaving the family forever.

Caleb is an Abbott, but does not associate himself with most of them. He was allowed freedom from the family by Hilda, and took it gratefully. He prefers to be mortal than revel in his vampire strength. He is in no way all powerful, or even very strong. He is mild tempered, has a sweet disposition, is very ‘good.’ Caleb doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the Abbotts. He has met them all, and knows that they are there, having been summoned by Hilda to the Café.

Even after he told Aurora his nature she didn't leave him. So, now they are together and are happy with each other--actually it's almost impossible to pry them apart. *g*

Recently, Caleb brought her to Mike's apartment, so that she could face him. So as not in interfere he stayed outside while she spoke to him, but not so far away as to be able to hear her if need be. Almost immediately, he began to hit her for leaving him, and she was too frightened of him to fight back. Upon hearing her silent plea for help, Caleb rushed inside to save her. In anger he threw Mike against the wall, leaving him near death. Aurora, realizing that Mike was going to be killed, confessed to Caleb that she was pregnant. With Mike's child. Rather than force the baby to live without a father, Caleb turned Mike into a vampire. He had Aurora's consent to go along with it, with the unspoken condition that she would not have to be around him. She was afraid of Mike's enhanced strength as a vampire, but knew that Caleb would be with her to protect her from any harm.

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Note: The picture of Aurora is taken from an ad for _Camocare Gold, Clear Solution_ in a _Seventeen_ magazine.

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