The Crone's Parlor of Witchcraft and Wicca

Welcome to the Crone's Parlor of Witchcraft and Wicca where we hold all of the information pertaining to the Wiccan read, the divisions of Wicca, and the philosophies behind the religion. If you have any information that pertains to our parlor , please e-mail it to the Crones. Thank you very much.

Casting Circles
Creeds, Chants, and Incantations
The Denominations of Wicca


Most Witches/Wiccans, when coming into the religion, decide to chose another name for the times when they are doing magick and speaking to the Goddess/God. This is done for two reasons: one, when you are doing magick, you are going into a world between worlds and so you're old name doesn't work her because you are not the same person. Second, back in the days of Avalon and such, people believed that names were sacred and to know a person's name was to have power over them. That is why the Christian god is called "God" or "Yahweh" (meaning-I am who am). Secrecy is power and to since everyone knows your name now, chose a new one. Last but not least, you are being born into a new religion and so in order to make that chance more realistic in your mind, you can pick a new name that only that Goddess/God and your Wiccans friends may know. Remember, this name is supposed to be secret and you only use it when doing things that pertain to Wicca. Good Luck!

Picking out a magickal name:

A name shouldn't be is something that takes time and should be done with ease. Your mother didn't pick out your name in five seconds, right? I usually have a name book for newborn babies in which I like to look at the meanings of the names and then pick out my own...or I have a book of cultural Goddesses and Gods and I like to pick out my name through their history and stories. That way I can remember my role as I work. Some people also like to put together animals that they like to form a name. For instance, Silver Ravenwolf.

This information was written by Diana Meade.


Here is where you use your birth number in order to decide a name for yourself. First, take your birthday and add it up...mine is 6-2-1979 so I would add:


Next I would add the answer up to get a single digit. My answer was 36, so I add:


Nine is my chosen number. It matches up numbers with letters according to a chart. For instance: According to the steps above, my chosen number is '9' so now I have to get a name that will add up to nine following the chart below me.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i
j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z -




Nine is my chosen number and Mijal is my wiccan really isn't, that's just an example. ^_^

According to most traditions it should agree with your numerology (your birthdate added up until you get a single digit. For example, my birthday is 3/29/83, so I'd add 3+2+9+1+9+8+3=35, 3+5=8).

But I've even seen different methods for determining numerology, so I'd say if you choose a magickal name and it just *feels* right, go ahead and use it. And there's no reason you can't have more than one. I have three at the present, and I know people who have more than ten for the different aspects of their personality.) What I meant was, your birth number should be the same as your chosen number. You find your chosen name's number by using the chart below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i
j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z -

Say you're birth number is 6. Your name number should also add up to six. For ex: If you wanted your name to be Aries:

a=1 r=9 i=9 e=5 s=1



It works.

This information was handed to me through Cassie by Rachel.

In 1951, Delaware removed an old law threatening punishment to anyone practicing witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment and conjuration. Something similar happened in Great Britain the same year.

Greece and Rome have laws forbidding the use of Black Magic.

Antecessor is the Swedish witch god.


A man named Matthew Hopkins appointed himself official WitchFinder General in England. He used a bodkin, a tool for finding witches. It was said that if a devil’s mark was pricked and didn’t bleed, then that person was a witch. Hopkins’ bodkin had a retracting blade, so that of course it didn’t bleed.


Some people who practiced witchcraft would annoint themselves or their brooms with salves made from Psychedelic Drugs. They said that being under the influence of inhalation (and other means, like it seeped in through their skin) gave the practitioners the impression that they were flying.

Matt got this from these books:

WITCHES by Bryna Stevens

This is part of The Night World
If you have any questions, comments, great spells and/or information that you would love to share with us to be placed on this page, please email The Secret Circle

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