Nick's Smoking Lounge of Warnings and Mischief

Welcome to Nick's Smoking Lounge of Warnings and Mischief where I will warn you (just like I warned the other girls during their Hecate ceremony) to follow the Wiccan Rede and obey the law of threefold. If you have any information that pertains to my Smoking Lounge, please e-mail it to Nick. Thank you very much.


Use caution while performing this spell. Try not to hurt the person. Keep in mind you only want this person to stay away from you. This is to be done to somebody who is mentally or physically abusing you.

cloth poppet but unstitch part of the head until end of ritual
needle and thread
personal item of person you want to bind
black ribbon
black candle

1. Cast circle
2. Light black candle
3. place personal object inside the poppet and sew it shut. Say, "Poppet, I name you _________"
4. Tie black ribbon around poppet to show that you are binding it
5. Chant, "With harm to none, my will be done. I hereby bind __________. So mote it be."
6. Close circle. Burn herbs of protection for the next few days on your altar.


I am surrounded by walls of fire and flame.
None shall come to hurt or maim.

-both by Elizabeth Anderson


This works especially well for spells that were cast with water or spells geared to affect the emotions.

Fill a small bottle with water and place at least a dozen straight pins in the bottle. Cap the bottle tightly and place it over a fire. The bottle heats until it explodes and sprays pins all over the room. Immediately pick up the glass and pins and throw them away. it is very important that you dispose of the garbage immediately.

This spell reverses any negative work that has been done against the victim. And it must be done by the victim.



Ground. Center. Cast the Circle.

"Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, Powers of Air.
Here stands one in need of protection of the mind.
Let the light of dawn surround me in safety,
Let the Aspen tree ground me to Mother Earth,
Let the eastern wind hold me in the palm of its hand,
That I may grow in goodness and light, in the service of the Mother.

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, Powers of Fire.
Here stands one in need of protection of the spirit.
Let the noon light surround me in safety,
Let the Almond tree ground me to Mother Earth,
Let the southern wind flow around me and protect me,
That I may grow in goodness and light, in the service of the Mother.

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, Powers of Water.
Here stands one in need of protection of her/his emotions.
Let the dusk of twilight shroud me in protection,
Let the Willow tree ground me to Mother Earth,
Let the western wind shroud me from all evil,
That I may grow in goodness and light, in the service of the Mother.

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North, Powers of Earth.
Here stands one in need of protection of her/his body.
Let the dark of midnight shroud me in protection,
Let the Oak tree ground me to Mother Earth,
Let the northern wind keep me from all harm,
That I may grow in gooodness and light, in the service of the Mother.

Hear me, oh guardians of the elements and quarters.
I stand a child of the universe
Beset on all sides by those who wish me evil.
I ask not that you change them, for their will is their own,
But grant me strength, that I may shine in the light
Growing in goodness in the service of Mankind and Mother Earth."

By Ches


Write the following words on a paper or on amulet and carry it with you:
"Light, Beff, Cletemati, Adonai, Cleona, Flerit"


O gracious Goddess,
Mother of the Night,
Be with me in my dreams,
Until the morning light.
-Elizabeth Anderson


"The fire bites, the fire bites; Hogs-turd over it, Hogs-turd over it; Hogs-turd over it; the Father with thee, the Son with me, the Holy-Ghost between us both to be: ter." Then spit over one shoulder, then over the other, and then three times straight forward.

-I'm not sure of this one and it doesn't strike me too good but I figured that I would let the readers decide for themselves what they thought.

This is part of The Night World
If you have any questions, comments, great spells and/or information that you would love to share with us to be placed on this page, please email The Secret Circle

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