Rantings from the mad monk


What man is at ease in his Inn?
et out.
ide is the world and cold.
et out.
hou hast become an in-itiate.
et out.
ut thou canst not get out by the way thou camest
The Way out is THE WAY.
et out.
or OUT is Love and Wisdom and Power.
et OUT.
f thou hast T already, first get UT.
hen get O.
nd so at last get OUT.

(From The Book of Lies, by Aleister Crowley)

Yea, and I say unto you, these are all excerpts, Good and Jolly Good, from the sick and twisted book of Malachite, from the mad monk Chris. He doeth go about spouting and foaming and mumbling to himself alot, and has     commited some of the juicy bits to paper. Yea, turn quickly now and flee, lest you read onwards, and lose the mind you came in with, and swap it for a different one, full of mushy bits. And should thou not turnest, thou mayest end up with bizarre and twisted hairdos, with socks that never seem to come out of the dryer in pairs, and with a never-ending supply of pocket lint, and for not one of these shall you hold the writer responsible.

What man is at ease in his Inn? - The world of comfort, family support, sex, food, primal urges satisfied.
et out. - "The ultimate comfort is death", and so keep moving, creating, spending your energy rather than wasting it.
ide is the world and cold. - The world at large. Business, family leadership, community,  your role people expect you to play in exchange for "wealth, power, and respect"
et out. - "The world keeps on spinning, you couldn't stop it if you tried." The world will think of you what it will, you will get your allotment "Crust of bread, and such" according to G-d's will, and people ewill love you the same, as long as you fulfill your role adequately. Guile, charm, & wit, ulcers, pain, sweat, & blood will not buy you a damn crust extra.
hou hast become an in-itiate.   - The world of the few, those that have reached for more. The magic, the "old ways", the last bastion of order before the chaos of your own path. Because of the danger of what lies ahead, those that wander off to the next step are usually called herectics, and tend to be nailed to things and burned.
et out. - "Be strong, serve G-d only, know that if you do beautiful heaven awaits" To thy own self be true.
ut thou canst not get out by the way thou camestin. - "There must have been a door there in the wall, when I came in!" There is no turning back from the path, which is life.
he Way out is THE WAY. - This is too small for me start throwing metaphysical hog wash at it to explain it away, and too large for me to use concrete ideas, but I will refer to this numerous times, so you'll get  the idea. And remember WAY spelled backwards is YAW, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the yaw.
et out. - in time even your understanding of the way becomes too restraining, and you must just live it instead.
or OUT is Love and Wisdom and Power.
et OUT. - The three pillars, made one, mankinds part in unity.
f thou hast T already, first get UT. - We use justice to keep other forces from crushing what light we have left. If you have justice down to a science, and who doesn't judge every-one, thing, place, and time put in front of them, assign them a label, and put them in their own cozy little box according to the rules? If you have justice, first get wisdom-justice. Moderate it, learn the correct & proper way to judge things. How to redeem the shell of light in the bad, how to "punish" so as to break through the shell with the hammer of justice without breaking the light with it, and unify the light inside.
hen get O.   - The last pillar, love also 0-nil. Love, giving more of your energy to creating a bond with another light than the rewards of that light offer, just so none of the light goes un-unified, and as such losing yourself to create we, thereby turning even oblivion into the service of G-d, redeeming the light.
nd so at last get OUT.   - You've then:
     1. Kept the light from degrading
     2. Unified the light in the justifiably redeemable
     3. Unified the light that took more of your own light to get at than was in there to begin with
     And so, you're done. Drop the last tinge of fear of loss of self, and become one with g-d. Transcendental Illumination, Poof, bubye.