Hi there Everyone thanks for taking the time to drop by my homepage. I am constanly changing things around to make it more interesting well I hope it is. My name is Sharon Young I am 26, Australian. I come from the Gold Coast which is on the east coast of Australia about 1 hours drive south of Brisbane. We have the best beaches in the whole world. Currently I am living in Singapore. Singapore is just one degree south of the equator and is found in Asia (for those of you who don't know)

What brought me here I hear you ask. Well I have my parents living here. My Dad is a pilot for Singapore Airlines (please check out the Singapore Airlines homepage if you get a chance.) He has been working here since July 1995. My Mum also lives here with him. I decided at one time to come here and live with them as I missed them a lot and to try something different. Kristy my sister used to live here but now she is living in Perth in Australia she is going to uni and is studying.

I am a kindergarten teacher and have been teaching now for nearly 5 years. I trully love the kids I teach here. Here in Singapore I work at an International School. I teach children aged 3 and 4 years. They come from all over the world. Makes my job interesting some of the children come to me with no english sometimes commmunication is impossible but we do get by. The school is from Kindergarten to High School.

My brother David was in the RAAF(Royal Australian Airforce) he was a police dog handler and has had his own German Shepard Tara. David finished in the RAAF last December and he has just finished his his training with the NT Police Force. My brother got married on June 28 1997 to a girl name Sharon (choice name eh). The wedding was unreal. Kristy and I were the bridesmaids! We had the best time. If you get time check out the photos from the wedding. David and Sharon live in the Northern Territory of Australia. David and Sharon are now expecting the pitter patter of little feet in about four weeks time. I am going to be an Aunty *proud look*

I love going out partying and drinking with my friends on weekends. I enjoy roller blading, reading a good novel and meeting new people and training at the gym. Also when I have the money I love to travel around this globe.

In June last year I had 2 months off from work. I went travelling around this big wide world. To start with I flew home for David's wedding then to the Gold Coast onto Calgary Canada. WOO HOO what fun that was. Then to Toronto. I met some unreal people from the net. Next to LA I stayed with Kirsty, an old friend from high school then back to the Gold Coast then to Singapore. Sure was the best time. I plan to do a page on my holiday and add in some pictures when I get organized. Hopefully soon. Well this holiday page is going to take some time at this stage *sm* Looks like the holiday page aint that happening you guys! sowwy but there are some photographs up from my trip to Bali this July please take a peek if you can. Till then take care Sharon : )