Welcome to Foo Foo's guestbook!

Tommy Gee - 09/13/99 19:28:24
My URL:http://home.att.net/~geefam5
My Email:geefam5@worldnet.att.net
Name of your webpage: Tommy Gee's Vaudeville Music
Your city: Machesney Park
State/Province/Country: IL.

To Krazykat, Awesome site you got !!! Thank's for doin' a spot on a personal friend of mine and the greatest trumpet artist who ever lived : Al Hirt Hope ya'll visit me sometime Tommy Gee The Old Fashioned One Man Band

Niobe - 06/21/99 16:39:43
My Email:squid1@bright.net
Your city: Mansfield
State/Province/Country: Ohio

Hello! You must have appreciated Al Hirt's repitoire as much as I do. Thank you and may his work never be forgotten.

Lightning Boy - 05/01/99 01:51:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Lightning_Boy
My Email:captain_america@mailexcite.com
Name of your webpage: Lightning Boy's Gallery of the Bizarre
Your city: Roswell (haha)

Very nifty page!

Kay Koehler - 04/28/99 00:50:58
My Email:knkva@earthlink.net
Name of your webpage: the Mermaid Tavern
Your city: Roanoke
State/Province/Country: VA

I found you while searching for something on Al Hirt to link to my "tribute" page (which most people call my "obit" page - okay)...nice to know you are a fellow Arkansawyer. I only moved to Virginia three years ago from Little Rock.

Geoff - 12/23/98 02:32:26
Name of your webpage: don't have one yet
Your city: Manchester
State/Province/Country: England UK

What a cool site you have! I really enjoyed reading about your town. And the Foo Foo's section was lots of fun. I also much enjoyed the jazz midi files.

11/27/98 05:36:41
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Joseph - 11/20/98 09:38:22
My URL:/Hollywood/Bungalow/7387/index.html
My Email:inclass@erols.com
Name of your webpage: In Defense of Beatle: Pete Best
State/Province/Country: PA / USA

Hey, that's a nice page you have here. Very intersting. I noticed the Al Hirt link. Very cool. My favorite song by Al has to be "Java". Nice job on the page!

Sam - 11/10/98 21:37:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/7486
My Email:sovers4101@mindspring.com
Name of your webpage: Sam's First Web Page
Your city: Near Memphis, TN
State/Province/Country: MS

Fantastic site-I'm envious. Just put my first one up, and am now a little ashamed of it. Found your site while looking for Al Hirt, who if I'm not mistaken, was once a neighbor of mine on Robco Lake in South Memphis.

Jukio - 10/30/98 02:16:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/4889/SHI.htm
My Email:jukio@san.rr.com
Name of your webpage: SHI
State/Province/Country: California, USA


Philippe Gleizes - 08/26/98 14:40:32
My URL:/Paris/Bistro/8024/
My Email:gleizes@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: A French family in Colorado
Your city: Lafayette
State/Province/Country: Colorado

Nice page in the Geocities neighborhood, thanks for you comment on mine...

Philippe Gleizes - 08/26/98 14:39:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/8024/
My Email:gleizes@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: A French family in Colorado
Your city: Lafayette
State/Province/Country: Colorado

Nice page in the Geocities neighborhood, thanks for you comment on mine...

Mary Vaughn - 07/26/98 16:24:03
Your city: Grand Junction
State/Province/Country: Colorado

Will be visiting August 1 through 6. Thanks for the entertainment. Mary

Dagny - 06/06/98 11:55:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/7612/
My Email:dagnyloa@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Dagny's Home Page
Your city: Reykjavik
State/Province/Country: Iceland

you´have a very nice home page!!!

hutnut - 05/19/98 01:12:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1462/
My Email:glaser@mail.oci-i.com
Name of your webpage: The Hutnut's Hut
Your city: Mammoth Spring
State/Province/Country: Arkansas

saw you sign the guestbook at Joanies and just had to see the page of another neighbor *smile* It looks great and I really loved all the little ancedotes about Ravenden...always pass thru there on the way to Jonesboro..I sure will look at it differently now when I pass thru..next time I will honk..*smile*

JIM - 05/02/98 02:15:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/jwrn/index.html
Name of your webpage: MY HOME ON THE WEB
Your city: HYDEN
State/Province/Country: KY


Robert - 04/16/98 04:47:06
My Email:theloon@ix.netcom.com
Your city: San Diego
State/Province/Country: CA


Robert - 04/16/98 04:46:10
My Email:theloon@ix.netcom.com
Your city: San Diego
State/Province/Country: CA


Deanna Fellman - 02/02/98 02:26:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6981
My Email:felltoddman@msn.com
Name of your webpage: Deanna & Steve's Page
Your city: Shawnee
State/Province/Country: Ks, USA

Good job.

Phil Miller - 01/30/98 01:21:16
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~pmill777/personal.htm
My Email:pmill777@earthlink.net
Name of your webpage: Homepage of Psalm139
Your city: Grand Prarie, TX
State/Province/Country: USA

very nice site. enjoyed it quite a bit. Come by and visit mine.

Roland KIRPAC - 01/29/98 19:11:34
My URL:http://geocities.com/motorcity/downs/6036
My Email:rkirpach@mailexcite.com
Name of your webpage: La Peugeot 203
Your city: Lamadelaine
State/Province/Country: Luxembourg (Europe)

Great page! I hope to get in the next future the same (or simailar)good looking to my homepage Sicerly, Roland

Sue - 01/28/98 14:52:00
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5267
My Email:krezsm@bigfoot.com
Name of your webpage: Sue's Home on the Web
Your city: Bonney Lake
State/Province/Country: WA/USA

First, let me say thank you for visiting my home page and leaving such a nice message in my guestbook. You doing so gave me the opportunity to come over here for a visit. And I really enjoyed my stay! You have a wonderful home page....Keep up the great work!
J Sue J

Donovan - 01/27/98 21:30:20
My URL:/Paris/LeftBank/6558/
My Email:bakd@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Poems by Donovan
Your city: Edgemont
State/Province/Country: The Black Hills of South Dakota, USA


Thank you for a wonderful visit. I'm very glad I stopped by! You have some very fun drwings! I liked all the little animations also. Thanks for trying out the fun survey. To those who haven't visited my page, try the coolest survey ever, DA QUIZ! Plus you can find THE SECRET LINK to win something for your homepage! BUT NOT until you finish your visit here and sign this guestbook! =)

John - 01/27/98 00:43:11
My URL:/Area51/Vault/6306
My Email:shades_ez@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: AKA Very Very Cool
State/Province/Country: Florida

Cool Page, neat stuffAKA Very Very Cool

Gloria - 01/27/98 00:39:40
My Email:glorymorr@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: Glory's Glorious Home Page
State/Province/Country: Florida

I love your stories about your teeny tiny populated town. Had a great visit!Glory's Glorious H
me Page

Kathy Pitman - 01/15/98 13:09:06
My Email:kayp@fullnet.com

Hi again Beth, I've been visiting your web page again. There is just so much to see. Wish I had little ones at home so they could enjoy parts of it too. It is really great. Keep up the wonderful work! Kathy Pitman.

Don Merrill - 01/10/98 22:17:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/breakers/5719
My Email:merrydon@webtv.net
Name of your webpage: merrydon's home page
Your city: Port Orange
State/Province/Country: Florida

I am new to the internet and just love looking at all the beautiful home pages and I admire all the work that went into them. If you get a chance, please sign my guest book.--Thank you -- Don

Angela - 12/30/97 17:10:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/ANGela/index.html
My Email:queenANG@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Angela's Clouds
State/Province/Country: Tennessee

I found your page from a guestbook link, so I came on in. I really enjoyed my visit! Come and see mine sometime. See ya..."Ang" :-)

RedGBarn - 12/23/97 19:41:44
My URL:http://wkweb5.cableinet.co.uk/redgbarn/
My Email:redgbarn@cableinet.co.uk
Name of your webpage: The Secret, and sometimes bizarre,Diaries of RedGBarn
Your city: London

Hi Luv your site, hope you can come visit me one day and that you like it too RedG

Skylark - 12/08/97 12:17:21
My URL:http://www.expressc.com/public/sky/sky.htm
My Email:cherryb@opera.iinet.net.au
Name of your webpage: skylark's world
Your city: perth
State/Province/Country: western australia

What a Jazzy site :) it's full of so much stuff, I could stay here for yours thankyou for visiting my site and signing my guestbook.Sorry it took me a week to visit, I have been so busy.I'll visit again soon, I promise Hugs Skylark

Please Vote for me in the site fights!

Tuesy - 11/27/97 05:21:03
My URL:/Heartland/9944
My Email:tuesy@micron.net
Name of your webpage: On Wings of Love
Your city: Mountain Home AFB
State/Province/Country: Idaho

Just wanted to come by and return the favor for signin my guestbook. Thank you. *S* Enjoyed reading your's.

Kathy Pitman - 11/22/97 19:06:52
My URL:http://www.fullnet.com/u/vanep/kayp
My Email:kayp@fullnet.com
Name of your webpage: Diner Rogues' Gallery
Your city: Jasper
State/Province/Country: Indiana

Dear Carol, Glad you liked my page. I am really enjoying yours. I'm adding you to my Favorites so I can come back and visit again & again. You've got so much on it that I can't read it all in one sitting. Love it. My husband is also a drummer and a A. R. ., call letters WD9ITS . See you around the web. Õ¿Õ

douglas - 11/15/97 22:52:40
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak/douglas14
My Email:dogman232hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: douglas bikers homepage
Your city: victoria
State/Province/Country: b.c canada

i love your page

John "Jazz" Bankson - 11/08/97 14:14:30
My URL:http://cust2.iamerica.net/jazz1/map.htm
My Email:jazz1@iamerica.net
Name of your webpage: Jazz's PLace
Your city: East Texas!
State/Province/Country: TEXAS!!!


Neat Homepage! Thanks for stopping by and signing Jazz's GuestBook! Regarding that suburb of Arkansas??? Mmmm you must not have chaecked out my Map page.. cause if you did, you would have seen that Texas is actually the center of the Universe! :- To see for yourself click on the My Homepage link above! :-) Jazz!

Ashlee - 11/07/97 16:10:35
My URL:/CollegePark/7727
My Email:awheele1@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Ashlee's Homepage
Your city: Ashland
State/Province/Country: Kentucky (Go Cats!!!)

Thank you for signing my guestbook. I hope you liked my page. Come back again sometime. I change it all the time. You're page looks pretty good! See ya!

Alvin Quach - 11/03/97 23:49:44
My URL:http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~alvinq
My Email:alvinq@sfsu.edu
Name of your webpage: Alvin's Little Corner In Cyber-Space
Your city: San Francisco
State/Province/Country: US

Thanks for signing my guestbook. I've enjoyed my visit here. I read your ravenden saga and thought that it was quite informative and interesting. I'll have to bookmark your site in order to come back and check out the comic links. Good job and keep up the good work.

Davor - 11/03/97 12:02:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/6958/
My Email:davor-bubanj@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: Davor's CoLoRfUlL page
Your city: Bjelovar
State/Province/Country: Croatia/Europe

Well Carol, you have done a nice job, putting it all together. I especially liked Jazz midies. Moondance is one of my favourites. Keep up the good work.

Bradley - 11/03/97 09:59:51
My URL:http://www.webspawner.com/users/bradleys
Name of your webpage: Bradley's Place
Your city: Ann Arbor
State/Province/Country: Michigan/USA


hello there!!!!!I enjoyed my stay, just thought to say hi and say good job and keep up the good work, I invite you to my place to see the light

Solon Magno - 11/02/97 20:23:02
My URL:/~solonmagno
My Email:solon@fnn.net
Name of your webpage: Solon's Home Page
Your city: Foz do Iguaçu
State/Province/Country: Brazil


Hi Carol !Very nice web site.
Visit Solon's Music Page

Lorrie Dunn - 10/31/97 00:01:47
My URL:http://www.digitalpla.net/~bobnraven
My Email:bobnraven@digitalpla.net
Name of your webpage: The Ravens Nest
State/Province/Country: Utah

Hello... I am glad to have seen Ravenden... Its great! Your site is wonderful.

Lynne - 10/30/97 07:13:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/2768
My Email:lynnedenterprise@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Lynne's Home Page
Your city: Richmond NSW
State/Province/Country: Australia

Great pages - keep up the good work

Dar - 10/29/97 18:23:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/boardwalk/2774
My Email:darbaby@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: Dar Baby's Page
Your city: columbia
State/Province/Country: tn

I grew up in a small town as well.. i graduated with 20 people... small towns .. aren;t they great??

Thomas H. - 10/28/97 21:33:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4303/
My Email:th_h@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Physics Mathematics Philosophy
Your city: Seattle
State/Province/Country: WA/USA

A very nice Site!

Andrea & Cats :) - 10/19/97 12:50:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/5124/cats.htm
My Email:andee@gremlin.southcom.com.au
Name of your webpage: Much Ado About Cats
State/Province/Country: Tasmania, Australia

Hi Carol, I have really enjoyed visiting your cats site the Kit Kat Club. I love reading about each of the cats. Thanks so much for visiting my site. =^..^=

Jackie Chan - 10/19/97 03:16:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/lab/8111
My Email:hawking@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: Hawking's home of Astronomy Physics and Science
Your city: N/A
State/Province/Country: Canada


Justin Walters - 10/07/97 02:36:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~justin16
My Email:-Justin-@usa.net
Name of your webpage: Justin's Webspace
Your city: Muncie
State/Province/Country: Indiana, USA

Nice site! That's awesome that you live in such a small town, and thanks a lot for signing my guestbook!

Ginny Lee - 10/03/97 19:25:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/1262
My Email:ginny_lee@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: Ginny Lee's Homepage
Your city: Tampa
State/Province/Country: FL

Well, I tried to send you mail, but it bounced.... so I thought I'd run over here and sign your guestbood instead. I've heard your name before. I don't know where, but 'krazykat@mindless.com' sounds very familiar. We must have met each other in another email.... :)

Socks - 09/27/97 15:51:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/1621
My Email:socks_the_cow@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: Socks' Cow Site
Your city: Philadelphia
State/Province/Country: PA

Wow! Such a small town. What I would give to live in a place like that. You have a great site!

Susan Duncan - 09/19/97 13:39:50
My URL:http://www.luckyblackcat.com/
Name of your webpage: Lucky Black Cat's Home Turf and Domain
Your city: Bonham
State/Province/Country: TX,USA

Lovely site..... enjoyed the visit.....come see the Lucky Cat's Domain..... Thanks for coming by the Turf and signing our book... Lucky, Baby and Susan

Ronnie - 09/15/97 17:56:53
My Email:rgnapi0@pop.uky.edu
Name of your webpage: www.geocities.com/collegepark/union/9515/index.html
Your city: Hazard
State/Province/Country: KY

Hey Carol Wassup! Excuse me for the previous interrupted comment. Thank you for your nice comments about my homepage. Please feel free to view Ronnnie's World anytime and I hope to be adding something to my page every week. Ronnie

Ronnie - 09/15/97 17:48:44
My Email:rgnapi0@pop.uky.edu
Name of your webpage: Ronnie's Worlk


- 09/10/97 00:10:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/8842
My Email:shaskan@hotmail.com
State/Province/Country: Turkey Istanbýl


Queen - 09/05/97 15:39:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/6350
My Email:QueerMilk@aol.com
Name of your webpage: QueerMilk.Com
Your city: New YOrk CITY
State/Province/Country: NY/USA

Cool page :) love the graphics :) Keep up the good work :) Never been to Arkansas though, Maybe I should see it sometime :)

Copyright of QueerMilk.Com

Copyright of QueerKiss

Granny Kirk - 08/30/97 03:23:03

Appears you are having fun with your creative abilities. Not doing much here. no home page yet. take care. Granny K

Julie! - 08/29/97 06:00:05
My URL:http://www.vestdata.no/~johnny/
My Email:braind82@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: The BrainDead's Klisjé Page
Your city: Don't live in one
State/Province/Country: Norway

Cool page u got here!!

Nick - 08/26/97 10:27:52 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/4298/
My Email:nmparis@ne.infi.net
Name of your webpage: Thunderdrum
Your city: Elizabethtown
State/Province/Country: Kentucky

Nice page,Thanks for the visit, it was fun stopping by.

Erich - 08/25/97 19:27:52 GMT
My URL:http://www.inil.com/users/musick
My Email:e_musick@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Erich's Web Site
State/Province/Country: IL, USA

Visit My Site -- or My Brother's Web Site.
Also, once you visit my site, be sure to sign one of my guestbooks. Visit my scanner page at http://www.inil.com/users/musick/scanner_page. Once you visit my site, please tell others about it.

James Stamford - 08/24/97 14:03:19 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Baja/Dunes/2111
My Email:jamesstamford@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: Stamford's Homepage
Your city: Abu Dhabi
State/Province/Country: UAE

Thank's for visiting my homepage, just thought I'd return the favour....TTFN

Cary - 08/21/97 15:33:37 GMT
My URL:/Colosseum/Track/5588
My Email:amante33@sj.bigger.net
Name of your webpage: Cary's Place
Your city: Martinez
State/Province/Country: CA

The Dream Book wasen't working so I'm signing here??? Very K@@L Page!!! Thanks for the visit to mine and for signing my Guest Book!!! Have A WaY C@@L dAy!!! I added you to my V.I.P. Page!!! Come pay a visit anytime!!!

Dangermouse - 08/20/97 19:08:13 GMT
Your city: London
State/Province/Country: England

Nice page.

Aunt Mary Lou - 07/26/97 17:20:18 GMT
Your city: St. Ann
State/Province/Country: MO

Like your FOO FOO FLOPHOUSE WEB PAGE. I'll tune in for update. Picture of you and POP looks good.

Anna - 07/22/97 12:20:58 GMT
My Email:Anna.Odderskjaer@cyberjunkie.com
State/Province/Country: Denmark

I tried to comment the Kit kat club in the Dream Book, but it didn't seem to work, so therefore I leave my message here. Liked the Kit Kat Club page and my 3 adorable cats sends their greetings

B. New - 07/20/97 13:02:14 GMT
Name of your webpage: None
Your city: Hazelwood
State/Province/Country: MO

Love that picture, Love that POP!!!

Jack Daniels - 07/19/97 14:15:13 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/2908
My Email:chris@morelr.com
Name of your webpage: Jack's Hideaway
State/Province/Country: Louisiana

Hi, Just wanted to stop by and thank you for visiting my page. Yours is great!

John Woolley - 07/13/97 00:23:51 GMT
My URL:http://www.com.geocities/SouthBeach/Sands/4668
My Email:nzexpombrum@geocitie.com a>
Name of your webpage: NZEXPOMBRUM
Your city: Hamilton
State/Province/Country: New Zealand

G'day Carol Got your link from my vis book. Thanks for stopping by. You have a kewl site here and I'm still working through it. Signed your dreambook but it didn't register for some reason. Hope I have better luck with this one. Keep up the good work.

Dawn - 07/10/97 13:25:14 GMT
My Email:dmklein@excel.net
Name of your w bpage: The Klein's Family Page
Your city: Sheboygan
State/Province/Country: WI

Interesting page, Foofoo! Many different thoughts to get you thinking!

Sherman Miller - 07/05/97 20:24:36 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1381/
My Email:the_millers@geocities. om
Name of your webpage: The Miller Family's Home Page
Your city: Augusta
State/Province/Country: Arkansas

Thanks for visiting our site and signing our guestbook. I love your pages and will have o try to find this town of yours when we return to the States. I love small towns. While growing up I felt like I couldn't wait to leave my small home town, but now when we return to visit family I hate leaving.

I enjoyed the pages about the things other than you town also. Nice picture of yourself. (grin) Well, again, I'm glad you signed our guestbook and lead us to your page. Keep up the great work.

Mark Kravetz - 07/05/97 12:33:02 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5013/index.html
My Email:mak192 @sccoast.net
Name of your webpage: Baldy's Home Page!
Your city: Conway
State/Province/Country: S.C./USA

LOL! You were right...your other guestbook wouldn't work! Thanks for visiting my homepag and signing the nguestbook. I don't know why people visit homepages and fail to sign in...it's the best way to find other neat homepages...like this one! I never heard of Ravendon before, but now feel like I've been there! You must be a very risque w man...putting topless pictures of yourself all over your homepage!!!LOL!LOL!

Allene Kirk - 07/04/97 02:11:55 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Palms/9115
My Email:allenk@jjj.net
Name of y ur webpage: Women In Rock
Your city: Ravenden
State/Province/Country: Arkansas, USA

How's everything in the flophouse??? :D Visit my page--it has photos, links, ect on lots of female singers!

My Home Page | Visit BourbonStreet | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage