Welcome to Foo Foo's guestbook! |
Tommy Gee - 09/13/99 19:28:24
My URL:http://home.att.net/~geefam5
My Email:geefam5@worldnet.att.net
Name of your webpage: Tommy Gee's Vaudeville Music
Your city: Machesney Park
State/Province/Country: IL.
To Krazykat,
Awesome site you got !!!
Thank's for doin' a spot on a personal friend of mine and the greatest trumpet artist who ever lived : Al Hirt
Hope ya'll visit me sometime
Tommy Gee The Old Fashioned One Man Band
Niobe - 06/21/99 16:39:43
My Email:squid1@bright.net
Your city: Mansfield
State/Province/Country: Ohio
Hello! You must have appreciated Al Hirt's repitoire as much as I do. Thank you and may his work never be forgotten.
Lightning Boy - 05/01/99 01:51:37
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Lightning_Boy
My Email:captain_america@mailexcite.com
Name of your webpage: Lightning Boy's Gallery of the Bizarre
Your city: Roswell (haha)
Very nifty page!
Kay Koehler - 04/28/99 00:50:58
My Email:knkva@earthlink.net
Name of your webpage: the Mermaid Tavern
Your city: Roanoke
State/Province/Country: VA
I found you while searching for something on Al Hirt to link to my "tribute" page (which most people call my "obit" page - okay)...nice to know you are a fellow Arkansawyer. I only moved to Virginia three years ago from Little Rock.
Geoff - 12/23/98 02:32:26
Name of your webpage: don't have one yet
Your city: Manchester
State/Province/Country: England UK
What a cool site you have! I really enjoyed reading about your town. And the Foo Foo's section was lots of fun. I also much enjoyed the jazz midi files.
11/27/98 05:36:41
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Joseph - 11/20/98 09:38:22
My URL:/Hollywood/Bungalow/7387/index.html
My Email:inclass@erols.com
Name of your webpage: In Defense of Beatle: Pete Best
State/Province/Country: PA / USA
Hey, that's a nice page you have here. Very intersting. I noticed the Al Hirt link. Very cool.
My favorite song by Al has to be "Java". Nice job on the page!
Sam - 11/10/98 21:37:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/7486
My Email:sovers4101@mindspring.com
Name of your webpage: Sam's First Web Page
Your city: Near Memphis, TN
State/Province/Country: MS
Fantastic site-I'm envious. Just put my first one up, and am now a little ashamed of it. Found your site while looking for Al Hirt, who if I'm not mistaken, was once a neighbor of mine on Robco Lake in South Memphis.
Jukio - 10/30/98 02:16:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Meadow/4889/SHI.htm
My Email:jukio@san.rr.com
Name of your webpage: SHI
State/Province/Country: California, USA
Philippe Gleizes - 08/26/98 14:40:32
My URL:/Paris/Bistro/8024/
My Email:gleizes@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: A French family in Colorado
Your city: Lafayette
State/Province/Country: Colorado
Nice page in the Geocities neighborhood,
thanks for you comment on mine...
Philippe Gleizes - 08/26/98 14:39:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Bistro/8024/
My Email:gleizes@geocities.com
Name of your webpage: A French family in Colorado
Your city: Lafayette
State/Province/Country: Colorado
Nice page in the Geocities neighborhood,
thanks for you comment on mine...
Mary Vaughn - 07/26/98 16:24:03
Your city: Grand Junction
State/Province/Country: Colorado
Will be visiting August 1 through 6. Thanks for
the entertainment.
Dagny - 06/06/98 11:55:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/7612/
My Email:dagnyloa@hotmail.com
Name of your webpage: Dagny's Home Page
Your city: Reykjavik
State/Province/Country: Iceland
you´have a very nice home page!!!
hutnut - 05/19/98 01:12:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/1462/
My Email:glaser@mail.oci-i.com
Name of your webpage: The Hutnut's Hut
Your city: Mammoth Spring
State/Province/Country: Arkansas
saw you sign the guestbook at Joanies and just had to see the page of another neighbor *smile*
It looks great and I really loved all the little ancedotes about Ravenden...always pass thru there on the way to Jonesboro..I sure will look at it differently now when I pass thru..next time I will honk..*smile*
JIM - 05/02/98 02:15:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/jwrn/index.html
Name of your webpage: MY HOME ON THE WEB
Your city: HYDEN
State/Province/Country: KY
Robert - 04/16/98 04:47:06
My Email:theloon@ix.netcom.com
Your city: San Diego
State/Province/Country: CA
Robert - 04/16/98 04:46:10
My Email:theloon@ix.netcom.com
Your city: San Diego
State/Province/Country: CA
Deanna Fellman - 02/02/98 02:26:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/6981
My Email:felltoddman@msn.com
Name of your webpage: Deanna & Steve's Page
Your city: Shawnee
State/Province/Country: Ks, USA
Good job.
Phil Miller - 01/30/98 01:21:16
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~pmill777/personal.htm
My Email:pmill777@earthlink.net
Name of your webpage: Homepage of Psalm139
Your city: Grand Prarie, TX
State/Province/Country: USA
very nice site. enjoyed it quite a bit. Come by and visit mine.
Roland KIRPAC - 01/29/98 19:11:34
My URL:http://geocities.com/motorcity/downs/6036
My Email:rkirpach@mailexcite.com
Name of your webpage: La Peugeot 203
Your city: Lamadelaine
State/Province/Country: Luxembourg (Europe)
Great page! I hope to get in the next future the same (or simailar)good looking to my homepage
Sue - 01/28/98 14:52:00
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5267
My Email:krezsm@bigfoot.com
Name of your webpage: Sue's Home on the Web
Your city: Bonney Lake
State/Province/Country: WA/USA
First, let me say thank you for visiting my home page and leaving such a nice message in my guestbook. You doing so gave me the opportunity to come over here for a visit. And I really enjoyed my stay! You have a wonderful home page....Keep up the great
J Sue J