Love Songs

You are listening to the tune "Circle of Life"..
And that's what it's all about, don't you think?
I love midi's...Love Songs are my favorite.
Love songs are for dreamers...I am one of them..
I search the internet looking for love songs.
I'd like to share some of my finds with you.

I will always love you
My blue angel
Bridge over troubled water
Bye bye love
Candle in the wind
Can you feel the love
Cats in the cradle
The end of the word
All I have to do is dream
Faded love
Can't help falling in love with you
I dond't know how to love him
Killing me softly
Lay lady lay
I'll make love to you
Mr. Bojangles
Never my love

Don't know what to give that special one for her birthday?
Not sure what to say when I'm sorry isn't the right words?
Looking for someone who's found love and never let it go?
Is this for real and will it last?
Are you sure he's the right one for you?

I don't think anyone is ever sure. I think we will always
"look on the other side of the fence"....
I don't know the answers to any of these questions.
But I did find places on the internet to make me think.
And that's what I've put here for you.
Places to go when you need that special something..
Or that answer you've been looking for...
I hope they can help you like they've helped me..
But you have to remember that no matter how long you look
No matter what it is you are looking for....
It may be there already....right under your nose...
Just waiting for....hmmmm......the same thing you are looking for.....

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