In the corner of a darkened room,
lies pieces of a life lived long ago.
I've kept it locked away all these years,
So that few would ever know.
A searing pain tears at my heart,
as I dare to look inside.
And relive those those years, a lifetime past...
a tragedy from which I cannot hide.
In the corner, there lies a dusty book,
filled with memories of you.
opening it hurts to look inside,
And remember all that I once knew.
I gaze upon an image of your smiling face,
As I am taken back in time...
Remembering what it was like to kiss your cheeks,
And how your blue eyes used to shine.
As I turn the pages, I get to watch you
as you grow up all over again.
Baseball games, puppies, and girls...
Age two, then six, then ten.
I remember how you caused so many to laugh,
and that you cried so many tears.
It's hard to believe that I've not heard your voice
In well over six very empty years.
The gun to your abdomen at age 17,
was a knife in my heart, no defense.
When they lowered your casket into the ground,
A neverending nightmare began.
Slowly, I flip through the memories of your short life,
I remember you-- so vibrant, so alive.
Though many may have forgotten that you ever lived,
In my heart you've never died.
-- Michelle Fulton-- April 17, 2000