Life has dealt me many blows...and this piece was written to calm the madness inside of me.
This complicated tapestry of life He weaves...
Spun in White Silk,
but laced with vicious daggers.
Stains of crimson slowly permeate
all that was once innocent and pure,
tainting the very fabric of my life.
A world of illusions, false hopes, fairy tales-
they become the only safety, the only thing I have
terrifying secrets, haunting betrayals, this heart of
shattered glass
threaten to crumble my very foundation.
Words, spoken so quickly in anger,
pierce my soul,and the unspoken truth
rages louder within- vowing to destroy all that is
Voices, furious, incomprehensible, shriek in ancient
they grow louder...shattering the silence
of what once only appeared to be untainted.
The water, which was once was pure, becomes murky
mirroring my heart of stone.
Heathens and hypocrites swarm my world,
sucking me in deeper with their promises and lies,
making me their unwitting victim in this hell.
And all the while,
the Maker still silently spins
His tapestry of life,
Undaunted by the chaos ensuing within me.
Copyright 1995 Michelle Cooper
I'm a wussy and I can't handle all of these crazy people...I want out now!!!!!