Funeral service for John Henry Neese, 81, of 603 Asheboro street,well known Greensboro pioneer business man, who died at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning at his home, will be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon at the residence. Mr Neese had been in declining health several years and confined to his bed for a year.
Rev. W.P. Jones, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, Dr. Charles E. Hodgin, Orange presbytery's superintendent of home missions, and Rev. R. Murphy Williams, pastor of Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, will officiate. Interment will be in Green Hill Cemetery with pallbearers being C.C. Mclean, John Bain, George Shaw, J. Henry Phipps, Harry Thornton, R.N. Carrier, Marshall Stewart, and J.S. Moore.
A native of Guiford County, Mr. Neese came to Greensboro from Alamance church community in 1878 and in 1887 organized Neese Memorial company. He was actively connected with this firm, engaged in the monumental stone business, until about 15 years ago, when he retired.
In 1904 he built Neese hall, which is located at the northwest corner of East Washington and South Davie streets, incidentally the location of the city's first motion picture house.
Mr. Neese had traveled extensively, having been around the globe a number of times.
Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Lou Archer, three daughters, Miss Clara Neese, of Greensboro, Mrs. E.S. Pugh, of Burlington, and Mrs. E.D. Demming, of Geneva, N.Y.; a son, Fred Neese, of High Point; a sister, Mrs. Sarah Allred, of the Alamance church community, and two grandchildren, Marie Demming, of Geneva, N.Y., and W.H. Pugh, of High Point.
Funeral service for Mrs. J.H. Neese, well known Greensboro resident, who died Friday, were held at the home, 603 Asheboro street, at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Drl Charles E. Hodgin, former pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church, conducted the service. Interment was in the family mausoleum at Green Hill cemetery.
Funeral servides for Jay H. Neese, Jr., who died suddenly Tuesday night at the home, 603 Asheboro street, will be conducted from the late residence tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Services will conducted by Dr. Charles E. Hodgin, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Assisted by Rev. G.A. Stamper, pastor of Centenary Methodist Church, interment will be in Green Hill cemetery. The American Legion members having charge of the burial rites.
The funeral services of the late M.T. Hughes were held by Rev. S.H. Hilliard at the family residence on Washington street today at 3 p.m., after which the remains were deposited in the fine vault recently erected by the deceased in Green Hill cemetery. The pallbearers were B.E. Sergeant, John Donnell, G. W. Kestler, J.A. Odell, Thos. S. Hayes, and A. P. Eckel.
Funeral today: Remains of Aged Woman Laid to Rest in Vaullt in Green Hill Cemetery
The remains of Mrs. Lucy Hughes, a former resident of this city and widow of the late Milton Hughes, arrived here today at noon from News Ferry, Virginia, accompanied by relatives and were laid to rest this afternoon in the family vault in Greene Hill Cemetery. Many beautiful floral tributes were place on the tomb and a large crowd attended the funeral. Relatives and friends of the deceased met the funeral party at the train today at noon and the body was carried direct to the cemetery for burial.
Some men have a youthfulness which defies time and as L. Richardson was one of the fortunate, his community did not think of him as sixty-five years of age, and therefore closely approaching the threescore years and ten of human allottment. This being so, his death yesterday was more of a shock than would have been the passing of one whose years sat more heavily upon him.
Analysis of the qualities of heart and mind of the deal would reveal more accurately the elements which went into the making of that vigor in his maturity which we have called youthfulness than would consideration of the maintenance of a strong, healthful body. Faith in his fellow man and the serene hope of his religion kept him younger than his years.
Mr. Richardson, during the major portion of his life, worked zealously for moderate financial reward and he witnessed the rich fruition of his undertakings only in recent years. When his greatest business successes came, however, they enabled him the more easily to promote his Greensboro interests, and he has been counted upon for liberality in all community undertakings for social and industrial betterment.
A brief funeral service was conducted Wednesday evening at 7 'o clock at the family plot in Green Hill cemetery for Mrs. Mary Lynn Smith Richardson, who died at her residence 118 East Smith street, Tuesday at noon. Dr. Charles F. Myers, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, where Mrs. Richardson had fulfilled a prominent role in the work and progress of that religious body, was in charge. Mrs. Richardson had been in declining health for two years, but seriously ill for only a short period of time.
The community was shocked yesterday by the sad announcement that Mrs. Jessie Gray Richardson had died on Saturday night at her home in Chattanooga, TN. Mrs. Richardson was a model woman--bright, cheerful and companionable--and beloved by all who knew her. Born and reared in our city--it was hard to realize that she had left us, the companion of one she loved; but, to-day, as we stood by the casket that held her mortal remains, every cheek was blanched, every heart subdued, when it was realized that she was dead.
It is but a few short weeks since she was upon our streets, in the buoyancy of health, and mature womanhood--and to-day she lies silent in the arms of death. No more her bright smile or cheerful greeting will send joy and gladness of relatives and friends.
Mrs. Richardson was about twenty-five years of age, and leaves a husband and two children.
The remains reached Greensboro this morning and were conveyed to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Gray.
Funeral services took place at Blandwood at 3:30 this p.m. and was largely attended. The remains were interred at Green Hill Cemetery.
The warmest and deepest expression of sympathy go out from the entire community to the stricken parents and relatives in this sad hour of bereavement.
Throughout the years of her long residence in Greensboro, Mrs. Ethel Clay Price was an active, constructive and popular figure in the social, civic and religious life of the community. The whole city is greatly shocked and deeply dismayed over her sudden passing.
Of friendly, social and democratic disposition, Mrs. Price made and held legions of friends, she played a prominent part in the city's social life but she always found time to devote much of her talents and energies to humanitarian endeavors--to the relief and uplift of the sick, the poor and the disconsolate. She was also keenly interested and quite active in the work of patriotic groups and in forwarding their objectives for the preservation of freedom and democracy.
Withal, she was a kindly and lovable woman who gave unstintingly of her talents and abilities in the service of others.
The Record extends its deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and the legions of friends and accquaintances who hearts today are bowed down in sorrow over the passing of splendid citizen who wrought so freely and so effectively in the service of God and humanity.