Bourbon's Best Award

Check out our Bourbon's Best Award WINNERS

Each month, the BourbonStreet Community Leaders will be selecting the best site in our neighborhood from the entries we receive. To qualify for this award, your site must fit the theme of our neighborhood and must meet or exceed Geocities guidelines no exceptions! you can review the Geocities guidelines here CLICK HERE. The Site review that takes Place covers not only guidelines but your ability to develop and design a site using HTML. This means No Broken links No Broken graphics. Every thing must be working in order to qualify for the award. The Best of Bourbon Award is not an easy award to obtain. Your site must meet the requirement in Order to be awarded the Best of Bourbon award. Any site that applies for the award with broken Links or graphics will be disqualified.

Why are we so demanding you ask? Well we want this award to be something every one in Bourbonstreet can be proud of. If you win this award you know you have a great site. As stated above it is not an easy award to win. So in order to keep the integrity of the award high. we will be making sure that each site is qualified to receive it.

Requirements to apply for the Bourbons Best Award
  1. The site MUST be in the BourbonStreet neighborhood.
  2. Sites should show originality and contain a Bourbon Street Theme:
    • Anne Rice
    • Big Band
    • Blues
    • BBQ
    • Cajun Food
    • Dixieland
    • Jazz
    • Mardi Gras
    • New Orleans
    • Southern Cooking
    • Southern Culture
    • Southern History
    • Vampires

  3. The Site MUST follow the GeoCities Guidelines NO EXCEPTIONS. Please review the Guidelines at
  4. The site MUST NOT display material containing nudity or pornographic material of any kind.
  5. The site MUST NOT exploit children under 18 years of age.
  6. Don't go too heavy on large graphics - try to avoid images larger than 100kb as they take forever to download for users who still use 14.4 modems.
  7. Don't put your entire site on one single page, spread it out over a few more pages.
  8. The site must have more content than just links to other URL's.
  9. Do not submit your site more than once at any one time. (You may submit your site again at a later date)
  10. Your HTML Code must be sound and concise all tags must be complete with open and close tags.
  11. Be aware of your background and text colors. Color clashing is not a sign of good Design.
Any site not following these requirements will not be excepted in the application process. So be sure your site follows the guidelines and requirements above.

I Agree

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