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Hi again. My full name is Heather Christina Constant. I live in Choupic, Louisiana, which is a tiny little community really part of Thibodaux. Thibodaux is about 60 miles away from New Orleans. There is not much to do around here, so I spend lots of time on the internet.

I graduated from E.D. White High School. The best part about EDW was the band, in which I played piccolo and flute. I'm really miss everyone in band, because they are the kindest and most loving group of people I've ever met!!

I am now attending Nichols State University, where I'm majoring in Computer Information Systems.

Here are some of my obsessions. When I like something, it becomes an obsession and I try to learn as much as I can about it.

New obsessionSTAR WARS! What can I say? I read everything I can on the net about the Star Wars universe. I keep up with ALL the latest rumors about Episode II.

Disney World. The newsgroup rec.arts.disney.parks is a GREAT way to not go crazy between trips.

My favorite band is the Beatles. I started liking the beatles after watching the Anthology on T.V., and I've been obsessed ever since. My fav beatles song is "A Day in the Life". I like almost all kinds of music except rap, but I mostly listen to just Beatles music.

I love the Atlanta Braves. I used to be really obsessed, and I NEVER missed a game on TBS, but lately i've backed off and I am just a really big fan now. My fav players are Chipper Jones, Greg Maddux, Ryan Klesko, and many more.

Here are some of the other things I love:
my family, God, Figure Skating (especially Elvis Stojko and G&G), the Monkees, Disney World, internet, Alamak, cats, Kit-Kats, Animaniacs, pizza (especially Pizza Hut)....I'll add more when I think of them....