The Thibodaux Ring

Welcome to the Thibodaux Ring!! This ring is for homepages of residents and natives of Thibodaux, Louisiana.

We only ask that the pages be G rated, and created and maintained by a resident or native of Thibodaux. I will check the ring regularly to make sure there are no broken links in the ring.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at:

Ring Mistress: Heather Constant
Second in Command:Jason Lee

This site is owned by Heather Constant.

Want to join The Thibodaux Ring?

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To join the ring:
  1. Submit your site using the form below.

    Submit site to The Thibodaux Ring
    Owner's Name:
    Site Title:
    Site URL:

    Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
    Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
    Description: Enter a short description of your site.

    NOTE: After submitting your site, you will be added into the queue. To be added into the ring, you must do the following:

  2. Insert the HTML code onto your page. (Given after submitting your site using the form above. You will also receive and email with the code on it.)
  3. Send me an email asking to be placed into the ring. Include your URL and site ID, which will be given to you after submitting the form.
  4. I will review your site to make sure it follows the guidelines and that the HTML code is correct, then add it to the ring.

Ring Members

To edit your site info, use this form:
Site ID No:

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