Cajun dictionary L- Q

lagniappe- a little extra,(a small token given as an free extra)
laisser- leave
laissez les bon temps rouler- let the good times roll
lapin- rabbit
La Ville- New Orleans
letiche- ghost of unbaptized infant that died
licher- lick, lick up
Louisianne- Louisiana
loup-garou- werewolf
ma belle- my beautiful one
ma petite- my little one
mais- but
mais jamais- but never
mais non- of course not
maison de show- movie theater
mais oui- but of course
malchance- misfortune
maman- mother
mamselle- Miss
(mademoiselle is rarely used)
maque choux- seasoned sweet corn dish
marier- marry
maringouin- mosquito
matache- spotted
mechant- naughty
melon francais- cantaloupe
melon musque- muskmelon
menti- liar
merci beaucoup- thank you very much
micmac- intrique
miette- not at all
mitasses- leggings
minou- kitten
mon ami- my friend
mon coeur- my heart,(a term of affection)
mon Dieu- my God
mort- death
mouche a feu- lightning bug, firefly
mouillasser- light rain
mouiller- rain
mousse- moss
mouton- sheep
m'sieu- Mr. (the shortened form of Monsieur is used predominantly)
mure- blackberry
murier- mulberry tree
musique- music
myrte rose- crape myrtle
nanaine- godmother
nanane- candy
niame-niame- food, to eat
nic- nest
nique- nest-egg
non- no
nuit- night
oiseau-mouche- hummingbird
orme gras- slippery elm
ouaouaron- bullfrog
ounga- magic charm
ours- bear
ousque- where
outi- tool, implement
pacane- peacan
padnat- friend, buddy
pain perdu- egg toast
pain tresse- twisted bread loaf
palanque- trot-line
parc- park
pare- ready, prepared
pareil- like
parrain- godfather
pas de betises- no joke
pas du tout- not at all
pauvre- poor
pendrioche- pendant, or drop earings
Petites Paques- Palm Sunday
pichou- bobcat
pichouette- little girl
picouette- ill-tempered child
piegeur- trapper
piment doux- bell pepper
piment enrage- cayenne pepper
piment rouge- chili pepper
pinere- pine forest
pique bois- woodpecker
pirogue- hollowed log canoe
pis- then
pistache- peanut
pivele- speckled
plaquemine- persimmon
poudre- powder
pourquoi- why
poussailler- urge on, push
praline de bennes- pralines made with seasame seeds
p'tite- little, little one (often shortened to `tite, `ti, or even just T, the last being common before a personal or nickname.)
pu- more
quantier- moccasin
que rel- of which
quequefois- sometimes
quequ'un- someone
queue de rat- cattail plant

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