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Tennessee: Sounds Pretty Good 
To Me!

About Your Tour

The three stars in the flag represent the state's three grand divisions; the Appalachian STARMountains of the east, the rolling hills of the middle, and the alluvial plain of the west. From the soulful Blues of the Mississippi delta and the Bluff City "Rockabilly" beat of Memphis, the world renown Music City sound of Nashville, to the unforgettable Folk and Bluegrass pickin' of the Great Smoky Mountains; each division has produced a musical style as unique as its own geography and people who settled it.

You are currently listening to our Official State Song, The Tennessee Waltz. If you want to hear our official, unofficial "Volunteer State National Anthem,"click here on Rocky Top.

While you're here, we invite you to take a musical tour of our unique state and sample our diverse sounds. So kick back, rest a spell, click on a tune and give us a listen and you'll understand why we say:"Tennessee: Sounds Pretty Good To Me!" Where are you from? What's On Your Mind? Please Sign The Guestbook (If you don't, the "Cookie Cooties" will get you and the sounds of Rocky Top will haunt you for the rest of your life!!)

What are the best songs for "crying in your beer?" Check out our newest addition, Cadallic Highway: A Redneck's Guide To The World's Best Drinking Songs."

So come on, buy a ticket to ride, board the bus, click on the flag, and start your tour in the mountains of East Tennessee. next page

Rest Stop and
Tourist Info

[ East Tennessee: Folk & Bluegrass] [ Middle Tennessee: Country & Western] [West Tennessee: Blues, Rockabilly & Rock and Roll] [Visit Some Of Our Cities, Towns And Crossroads] [ Visit Our Neighboring States] [Some Links Worth Hauling Home With You] [ Cadallic Highway: A Redneck's Guide To The World's Best Drinking Songs ] [ Back To The Ticket Office ]

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Tennessee: Sounds
Pretty Good To Me!

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