Triangle Alumnae Chapter

About Us
Mission & Goals
Chapter History
25th Anniversary
AOII Resources
AOII Foundation
Magazine Program

Chapter History

The Triangle Alumnae Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity was chartered on January 28, 1978. A group of women realized that they had AOII in common, and they formed this chapter. This alumnae chapter serves the Research Triangle area, which includes Chapel Hill, Cary, Durham, and Raleigh, North Carolina.

We celebrated our 25th anniversary in January 2004.

The Triangle Alumnae Chapter also presented Alpha Omicron Pi to the Duke University campus, in Durham, North Carolina, in 1978—and won the right to establish a collegiate chapter. They conducted interviews to choose the original group of women who would make AOII grow at Duke. For more information, refer to the Delta Upsilon Chapter Web site.

Currently, the Triangle chapter averages 19-22 members. Our members are of different ages, occupations, and collegiate chapters; however, we all share that special bond of being AOIIs. We plan a variety meetings each year and focus on philanthropy (locally and at the AOII International level), fun, and sisterhood. our chapter has also received a number of awards over the years.

Our chapter is a place for AOII women from all over the world to come together to work on philanthropic projects, to support our collegiate sisters, and to celebrate sisterhood. We feel that AOII has been and still is a very positive experience in our lives, truly showing that for us, AOII is for a lifetime.

For more information, refer to the History of AOII.