Welcome to my Guestbook!

Atrice - 09/11/98 20:15:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/VampireBlood/index.html
My Email:atrice_vampire@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Denmark
What brought you here: A link in another guestbook...
Favorite vampire: Lestat de Lioncourt, I love him!

This is a cool page, and I invite you to take a look at my page and sign my guestbook. If you like it, please put a link to it... and maybe I´ll link your page on mine! Anyway, the vampire-chronicles are great, I love them, and especially Lestat!

Emma - 09/05/98 19:05:01
My Email:emma_k_b@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Sweden
What brought you here: A link
Favorite vampire: Louis and Lestat

Hello! I don`t know what to write so i will stop writing.

Nicolas de Lenfent - 08/30/98 23:25:23
My URL:/~darkviolonist
My Email:NLenfent@aol.com
Where are you from: Originally? Auvergne.
What brought you here: Curiosity. Or is it madness?
Favorite vampire: Eleni, for she is missing at the moment and I miss her.

Good evening, chere Julia.

By chance our paths have crossed, ah, or was I stalking you? Whichever you would like to believe, my darling. I find it bad manners to visit and not leave my mark, so I am doing just that for you now, love.

Your ,

Victoria - 08/30/98 05:18:23
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ravenlyte/index.html
My Email:Mondieu66@aol.com
Where are you from: San Francisco....originally...not anymore....
What brought you here: The address in an e-mail
Favorite vampire: Ugh.. I have to decide? Claudia, probably. Also, Lestat, Louis, and a million others. Deacon Frost.

I love the sight! It's terrific! Keep up the good work! It's one of the best I've seen for a long time. If you need any help trying to figure out HTML (which I'm still in the process of myself) I'd be glad to try and help. ~Vic The Goddess Of Mental Illness

Victoria - 08/30/98 05:17:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ravenlyte/index.html
My Email:Mondieu66@aol.com
Where are you from: San Francisco....originally...not anymore....
What brought you here: The address in an e-mail
Favorite vampire: Ugh.. I have to decide? Claudia, probably. Also, Lestat, Louis, and a million others. Deacon Frost.

I love the sight! It's terrific! Keep up the good work! It's one of the best I've seen for a long time. If you need any help trying to figure out HTML (which I'm still in the process of myself) I'd be glad to try and help. ~Vic The Goddess Of Mental Illness

Anastasia Crawford - 08/29/98 16:56:30
My Email:seriine@yahoo.com
Where are you from: Pennsylvania
What brought you here: Rpg group-the realm of the Immortals.
Favorite vampire: Marius..!

Hey great page!! Looking foreward to working with you on the rpg..:) Anastasia. (Mael)

Phillip / voodo - 08/25/98 14:46:44
My URL:http://working on it
My Email:voodo@angelfire.com
Where are you from: Nashville
What brought you here: fate destiny, I dunno
Favorite vampire: myself(of course)

nice page,,,,,:))

SilverHawk - 08/21/98 03:25:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Metro/1766
My Email:silver_hawks@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Anywhere Louis goes, I go.
What brought you here: You signed my guestbook.
Favorite vampire: Louis de Pointe du Lac

Great site! Love it! Thanks for coming to my site. Hope you enjoyed it. I'll link your site to mine as soon as possible!

Natasha - 08/20/98 22:02:24
My Email:Tashcurly@aol.com
Where are you from: From the Gods, Isis and Ra
What brought you here: My interrest in Vampires
Favorite vampire: Armond


CarliW - 08/17/98 06:10:17
My Email:CarliW@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Charleston,SC
What brought you here: your link on the newsletter
Favorite vampire: I'd have to say Armand, but I think he died.

I'll e-mail you my endless comments.

Lorraine - 08/15/98 03:41:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/enthrall/
My Email:midnightmuse@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Truthfully? They won't tell me.
What brought you here: My Curiousity.
Favorite vampire: Louis!

Hello. I just happened to stumble upon your site, and I'm glad I did. I like visiting people who have things in common with me ( like you seem to do). And I know what you mean about guy's in poets shirts! Have a nice night.

Krysti - 08/14/98 22:16:45
My URL:http://expage.com/page/frogz4fun
My Email:frogz4fun@aol.com
Where are you from: northern cali
What brought you here: u put a link on the message board =)
Favorite vampire: Marius and 2nd place goes to Louis

wow this is an awesome page!! i love the insane stuff =Þ anybody who's obsessed with the vampire chronicles has to come here!

Irina - 08/07/98 17:32:29
My URL:http://www.cea.ru/~winter
My Email:winter@cea.ru
Where are you from: well, that's my little secret, but I'd say you know me, I'm sure
What brought you here: your telepathic relation through my book
Favorite vampire: Louis and Nicolas

Hi Julia, you have a nice, up-and-coming and very original page (especially-Insane Ideas and Unecessary Chatter). Yes, it's great page! I mean it. I will be back to visit again soon.I love your site (all without exception). See you later, Irina.

Mer - 08/03/98 01:27:20
My URL:http://members.aol.com/lyjanegrey/bratprincess.html
My Email:lyjanegrey@aol.com
Favorite vampire: Lestat

I think it's a great page, Julia! You should've seen MINE when I first started out, it made cave paintings look high-tech! :) ~ Mer

Jessica (Marius from LDV) - 08/02/98 21:23:15
My URL:None at present
My Email:brainmush@aol.com
Where are you from: Pennsylvania
What brought you here: Your e-mail with a link, and my curiosity
Favorite vampire: Probably Armand...

Greetings Julia. I enjoyed your page, is this your first web construction effort? Much better than my first attempt, for sure. The flare of personality this page possesses is what sets it apart from your typical Anne Rice website. I enjoyed reading your o inions, speculative fiction, and humor. I will be back, haha! See you at the next LDV chat...

Stef - 08/01/98 04:13:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/5426
My Email:plain_jane@innocent.com
Where are you from: Close to here but no so far as there.
What brought you here: SB guestbook, I believe.
Favorite vampire: Lestat. Boy, I hate being predictable.

I *loved* your Anne Rice vampire application--I'm still giggling!

Cas - 08/01/98 02:21:49
My Email:maraquis x
Where are you from: san antonio
What brought you here: saw the link in your prof
Favorite vampire: Lestat de Lioncourt

This was one of the best websites i've seen all summer...it ruled and is in my fav. places

~Kris - 07/31/98 08:39:09
My Email:LettoDamor@aol.com
Where are you from: Here and there.
What brought you here: You put a link to your page on the board.
Favorite vampire: oooooohhh... I love them all. How can you make me choose!

Your page has made its way to my favorite places because I love Anne Rice and anything so related... keep addin' stuff and this could be one of the best sites in the history of... sorry, I'm rambling. Keep up the dark work. "Blessed are the undead upon whom the rain dare not fall." ~Anne Rice

Jazzyyass - 07/31/98 04:00:07
My Email:Jazzyyass@aol.com
Where are you from: LA
What brought you here: Anne Rice fan
Favorite vampire: Louis

I loved your web page,keep it up. Because I know I'll keep reading!

Chandra - 07/30/98 05:45:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/arc/6396
My Email:Phluteloop@aol.com
Where are you from: I'm out there.....somewhere...
What brought you here: I have to see the site of another fellow fan of Anne!
Favorite vampire: Hmmm.....gosh, I luv them all for different reasons...

Bonjour mon ami, I really enjoyed your site, it's great to see another lover of our dear vampires. I'm on a great Anne Rice listserver that you might want too join. You get a ton of E-mail, but hey, it's all about Anne, so that's a major plus. Anyway, have a nice nig t, oh, and if you want more info concerning the listserver, just e-mail me. Bonsoir............. Always, Chandra

Tony - 07/29/98 06:44:14
My Email:sparky@pitnet.net
Where are you from: Milwaukee
What brought you here: love of vampires
Favorite vampire: Marius or Lestat

I love your page, it is every thing you could want in a vampire page. I really like your ideas on the actor that should play Louis in "The Vampire Lestat" movie. I agree with you completly with your reviews on the books. Please update your page as much as you can as i said i love your page.

stumbleine - 07/28/98 16:54:48
My Email:gishstar@rocketmail.com
Where are you from: seattle
What brought you here: link from Le Sang
Favorite vampire: Armand (with Louis as a very close second)

I like your page! I see that we agree on many a things. Poet shirts, oh yeah. I'm still waiting for the 18th century to come back into style so those can be made readily avalible. that and velvet frock coats. i also agree with wanting to have lived in 18t century europe. paris preferable, in my case. And the hair thing, that was too funny! I loved that chatter section and I thought the vampire theme song of the month was a great idea. great page, see you on the boards. -stumbleine

Jessie - 07/28/98 01:49:30
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ButercupC6/vamps.html
My Email:ButercupC6@aol.com
Where are you from: Madison, WI originally
What brought you here: Your link from Le Sang
Favorite vampire: Lestat, Lestat, Lestat!

Julia, I totally like your page! (This is the part where I start to babble.) You said it isn't much, but it's a lot better than mine. :-) Woah, I just noticed that on your page about you, it's layout is like mine, and mine is called "Moi" too. Neato! Oh, know what you mean with those poet's shirts...woohoo! I love them! One of my best friends is from St. Petersburg, but he doesn't remember is because they moved when he was so young. Beethoven kicks, btw! You and I seem to like a lot of the same things. A yway, great job with the page and see you on the board! ~Jessie

Cathy - 07/27/98 21:38:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/2593
My Email:aprilmist@hotmail.com
Where are you from: Orginally? Philadelphia, but I escaped.
What brought you here: Your link on "sang"
Favorite vampire: The black haired guy with green eyes, um, you know... Louis!

Cute little page! I loved the chatter! Best part? Vampires and Hair! LOL!!!

kimber - 07/27/98 21:04:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/4002/
My Email:kimberlina@geocities.com
Where are you from: realm of delusions
What brought you here: your writings in my book
Favorite vampire: Armand

Hello Julia, you have a wonderful website even if it is newish.. I enjoyed it all..

Sue - 07/27/98 19:13:04
My Email:ZERINA1880
Where are you from: ma
What brought you here: your link
Favorite vampire: I have to get back on that


Susan - 07/27/98 18:31:30
My Email:susan_eb@hotmail.com
Where are you from: LA, CA
What brought you here: Link from Le Sang
Favorite vampire: Armand

Need a favorite car? I suggest the New VW Beetle ;). Congrats on your new page. I look forward to seeing updates. Susan Le Sang Moderator

Holly - 07/27/98 06:51:49
My URL:http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/Holly
My Email:Holly_Davis@bc.sympatico.ca
Where are you from: Canada
What brought you here: mouse click
Favorite vampire: Lestat

Hi, I saw your message on the board and came over. A shrine in my honour? I might have to take you up on that. I'll come back later to explore more of your page. But I've got to stop writing now-my wrist is killing me.


Gwen - 07/27/98 06:45:02
My URL:http://welcome.to/immortality
My Email:Gothravn@concentric.net
Where are you from: New Orleans (I wish!)
What brought you here: Blood Tears Message Board
Favorite vampire: Lestat

Cool, unique page! Keep up the good work, and you'll catch on to the more complicated html in no time! :) Seeya around! -Gwen

Ordell - 07/27/98 02:50:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Theater/2514
My Email:ordell9425@geocities.com
Where are you from: the 8th level of Hell(odessa, tx)
What brought you here: boredom
Favorite vampire: close one, a tie between Khayman, Jesse and Daniel

cool page

celestevp - 07/25/98 18:27:57
My Email:celestevp@aol.com
Where are you from: huh
What brought you here: your emails
Favorite vampire: lestat (orbabette)

this is so funky............yeah.....step inside the real world.......

Julia - 07/25/98 17:51:30

Don't mind me, I'm just testing the guestbook again... someone told me that it didn't work.

Tijana St. Cloud - 07/25/98 01:02:51
My Email:TStCloudX@aol.com
Where are you from: Lots of places
What brought you here: E-Mail chat
Favorite vampire: Louis (IWTV) and one I made up.

Love your site, hope alot of (Vampires) and their fans stop by. Someday I'll Make one...Until then I'll visit yours. Your On-Line friend, TIJANA ST.CLOUD

Tijana St. Cloud - 07/25/98 01:00:15
My Email:TStCloudX@aol.com
Where are you from: Lots of places
What brought you here: E-Mail chat
Favorite vampire: Louis (IWTV) and one I made up.

Love your site, hope alot of (Vampires) and their fans stop by. Someday I'll Make one...Until then I'll visit yours. Your On-Line friend, TIJANA ST.CLOUD

Michelle - 07/24/98 21:04:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/parc/5382/royaume.html
My Email:aeternolux@aol.com
Where are you from: ...can't tell you that
What brought you here: A little ol' email :)
Favorite vampire: Louis, thank you very much

Julia! :) What can I say? I love it! You have some very original ideas. Doing great thus far. Loved the specs. Hehe And I certainly agree with you about Louis. :)

Lionel FAURE - 07/24/98 20:49:29
My Email:Lio_1984@goplay.com
Where are you from: South of FRANCE
What brought you here: Julia
Favorite vampire: LOUIS

Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour ce charmant site. Well, I have to thank you for this charming site. It is so good to know that another Louis fan is taking over the web. We have to get bigger and bigger! So maybe one day the AR Vampire Lestat fan club will change its name into The Louis and Lestat vampire fan club. Thanks for your reviews and music advic s. I didn't read your specs yet but I hope I'll get some time to do it soon. Encore merci et au revoir.

Louis de Pointe du Lac - 07/24/98 18:19:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/delta/1783
My Email:louis1766-1791@geocities.com
Where are you from: Paris and New Orleans
What brought you here: Your formal invitation
Favorite vampire: Me

Hi Nice begining on your page.I'll be back soon to read your fan fiction. Thanks for inviting me and linking to my home.

Daniel Molloy - 07/24/98 16:26:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1116/Euphoria.html
My Email:DMalloy30@aol.com
Where are you from: Manhattan, NYC
What brought you here: To see the a good friends art
Favorite vampire: Well Myself of Course

You are doing a Really Great Job keep it up. I can't wait to come again and explore some more . This is really Great.

Jess aka Jesse - 07/24/98 15:58:23
My Email:cybil313@aol.com
Where are you from: Portage, MI
What brought you here: you did silly!
Favorite vampire: um.... hmm... I'd have to have my own senseless clatter page to figure that one out. I'll get back to ya.

Julia, I LOVED the website! It was very funny! I share many of your opinions (aka Memnoch the Devil-yuck!). And I loved reading that "Insane and Senseless Chatter" thingee cause it reminded myself of me. In many of my notes to friends, and even when I talk I'll e going off on one subject, then suddenly jump to another, then go back to the main subject to only jump to another. Luckily, my friends and family are used to this, or else I'd never get any point across. You can see that I'm doing this now. Sorry. As fo favorite vampire, I just cannot choose! I think I have favorites for each book. I'll list them here, and explain my hate/love/hate relationship with Armand. But as soon as I choose a favorite, I'll get back to you. Sorry if this is getting really really long, but I'm bored and here you are! Okay, here's the list (as far as I can remember-it's kinda been awhile since I read any of the books cept Pandora): IWTV- Lestat, Claudia, Louis TVL- Lestat, Marius QOTD- Armand TOTBT- Lestat MTD- I guess I'll choose Armand, cause I HATED the book. Pandora- duh, of course it's Pandora. She was the only one IN IT! but I did love the book. Okay, hate/love/hate relationship with Armand explained here. In IWTV I hated him (he killed Claudia). In TVL, I hated him (he threw Lestat off a balconia and wouldn't help him). In QOTD, I absolutely LOVED him. I don't know why. I was so used to hating h m, I tried and tried to find reasons but in that one scence in the plane with Daniel dying, I just fell for him. I think that's what hooked me, in that particular book. And his reunion with Marius. I think I'm a sucker for reunion scences too. I loved it n the end with Lestat and Louis flying off together too. I just sorta went "Ahhhh!" I think QOTD is my favorite book, followed very very closly by TVL. Okay, went WAY of subject here. Okay, back to Armand. He wasn't really in TOTBT, so there was nothing t feel with him. Then in Memnoch, even though I (I think you can guess how I fell about the book by now) HATED the book, I liked his part. And I absolutely BALLED when he killed himself in the end. It was horrible. Maybe that's another reason why I refuse o reread it. But I'm praying releigiously that he'll be back in the Vampire Armand. I mean, how can a dead vampire tell his tale? I don't think Anne Rice would sink as low as to have him tell it from the Great Beyond, or whereever it is dead vampires go. kay, this has gone on WAY to long, so I'll let you go now. Bye! And talk to you soon. And if you feel like responding to any of my mumbo-jumbo here, feel very free to e-mail me. I love mail!! Till then, au revoir! Jess#3/Jesse

Cae - 07/24/98 05:11:39
My Email:X Caesia@aol.com
Where are you from: New York
What brought you here: Link on the Anne Rice message board
Favorite vampire: Lestat!!!

I like what I've seen here even though I haven't had the chance to explore it all yet but I definetaly will. Oh... And I have some backgrounds in a zip file if you want them. I used them on my pages. Drop me a line if you want them. Great job on the p ge!!!! Cae

Julia - 07/22/98 00:04:41

Just testing. 1..2..3... 3..2..1... I wonder if it'll work this time.

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