July 1: This isn't exactly an update, but basically I just want to say that I'm still here and I do plan on adding more to this page. Since April my online connection has been inredibly slow and I didn't have time to looks for other online providers. ( AOL + slow connection + Geocities = My idea of hell). I also have a new e-mail address- - in addition to my AOL address.
March 26: I'm back with an explanation for not updating.
February 14: It's an actual update! A new silly spec-like bit about vampire souveniers on the Insane Chatter Page, and a new feature of the Music page: Vampire Chronicles soundtrack suggestions.
February 5: Messed around with the Music page. More updates are coming soon. Really.
January 21: Re-did the links page, added an essay entitled "The Evils of Fan Fiction" to the Insane Chatter Page, and updated the Insane Chatter Archives. Now that exams are over, I'll update regularly.
January 4: Added an account of my pilgrimage to New Orleans to the Insane Chatter Page, and updated the Insane Chatter Archives.
January 1: Toyed around with the spec page and the Louis page. Added some stuff to the "Me" page. Nothing significant.
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Candlelight and Shadows was created on July 22, 1998