I like to write specs, even though I hardly ever finish what I start. Here are the specs that I did finish. Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome. Hell, even legibly written flames are.
December--A short Louis spec that takes place in New York City during Christmas time.
Snow--A short semi sequal to December, told from Daniel's point of view.
If Jerry Springer Taped At Night--What if this loveable talk show host really did tape at night?
A Vampire's Titanic--The vamps remake The Best Movie Ever (tm) with Lestat directing, Jesse starring as the leading lady, and Daniel starring as Jack. The Mayfair witches, other vamps, and Anne Rice make cameo apperences.
Anne Rice Character Application--This isn't exactly a spec, but everybody has wanted at one time or another to become a vamp, a witch, or perhaps one of Anne Rice's other characters. Here's your chance, boys and girls!
Note: December won a silver rat in the Immortality Awards for best spec sans sex. A Vampire's Titanic recieved a nomination for best silly spec.