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Curly sitting with other local musicians just before startin his set...

Curly making his way to the stage area, passing the tenor sax player, Dana Scotch.

Curly along with Richard Chalk and Marcus Mobe (Telecaster), Dana Scotch (Horn), Terry Montgomery, and Philip Law on drums...

Curly makes the girls get up and jump!

Curly and the boys were starting to cook at this point...

Curly singing with Richard Chalk in the background...

They were having some fun at this point...

Curly along with the one and only Richard Chalk, cooking some fine blues stew on a strat.

Hash Brown with his "Daddy", Curly "Barefoot" Miller..

Sam Myers was also there and did a strong set with Hash.

Even I got into the act later on. That's Randy Williams on his red ES-335 with me...

More of me getting into the act...

Josh Davis was there too and did a set of swing tunes on his old ES-300. Beautiful guitar, that one.

Terry and Bobby...

And last but certainly not least, Philip Law on the drums!

Curly "Barefoot" Miller is a rare treat for us all. At 94, he gets up front with his walker, a chair, a mike, and sometimes his tap shoes and puts on a show! There's no doubt that while his body has slowed down some, his mind hasen't. His deameanor, humor, audience interaction, and just plain friendliness combined with loads of talent and experience make this man someone you should all make a point of seeing in performance.

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