Homework Excuses

Enjoy them.......Use them

Hey, here are some homework excuses I've come up with (it's not like i had to use any). But anyway, here they are, and I'll be adding to them as time goes on some come back and refresh yourself. Good luck.

1.) I forgot to do it
2.) I was ill that night and wasn't well enough to do it
3.) I brought the wrong folder to class
4.) It was in my locker
5.) My little bro/sis destroyed it
6.) The dog/cat chewed it up
7.) We had a family emergency
8.) There was a good program on T.V. that night
9.) My friend(s) came over to visit. i didn't have time left.
10.) My book ate my homework
11.) i didn't feel like doing it
12.) I gave it to another to copy and didn't get it back
13.) My partner has the lab data. I didn't have a copy
14.) An alien from outer space took my paper
15.) I did the wrong assignment
16.) I know I had it. Someone must have stolen it
17.) I didn't know it was due
18.) I had it when I came in, but now I can't find it
19.) I wanted to rewrite it
20.) I was too tired to do it
21.) It was in my car
22.) I couldn't figure out how to do it
23.) I wanted to finish it before turning it in
24.) I couldn't get my locker open
25.) I had to work late and didn't have time to do it
26.) Our dog is paper trained. My paper was on the floor.
27.) I left it on the bus
28.) I forgot to write down the assignment
29.) A man jumped out of my video game and burned it with his photon laser
30.) I already handed it in, you (teacher) lost it
31.) I had to go out to eat with my parents
32.) I didn't have a pen/pencil
33.) I don't believe in homework
34.) We had a game (or match or meet)
35.) We had a rehearsal
36.) My paper is evolving and becoming better so I had to leave it alone for awhile
37.) There was a fire in my locker
38.) It underwent spontaneous combustion
39.) It's a waste of time
40.) I lost it
41.) I will not need this in the future. Who really cares?
42.) My hamster died
43.) It fell in a puddle
44.) It went through the wash
45.) I had to go out
46.) Our furnace went out and I had to burn it to keep warm
47.) I left it at home
48.) We ran out of toilet paper. Enough said.
49.) I was testing Bernoulli's principle of lift when it got sucked into the engine of a passing 747
50.) My fiber count was low so I ate it

Feel free to send any ideas you might have, all are accepted!
(please, no profanity, this is a clean webpage.)

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