Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kevin Hale - 11/03/00 05:05:16
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/livingwithptsd
My Email:fop86@hotmail.com
Location: Logan, WV
How did you find my page: Just surfed in

Nice page. I like the graphics and clip art. Good job.

Vivian Henning - 10/21/00 03:00:13
My URL:http://HatterasCommunications.homestead.com
My Email:spencerhenning@hotmail.com
How did you find my page: Surfing the net

Very good page!

Michael Wardein - 10/17/00 17:18:37
My Email:mjw_il@excite.com
Location: Alton IL

I was looking for information on becoming a police officer and I stumbled upon your webpage. I'm only 20 years old, but i'll be 21 soon. So I'm too old to join the explorers. I'm sure that would have helped out alot. Do you have any suggestions on what st ps I should take, or classes to enroll in? Any information would be helpful. Thank You.

Carol Karchnak - 09/12/00 13:15:40
My URL:http://dpodogs.tripod.com/hegins2.html
My Email:heginsvalley@hotmail.com
Location: PA
How did you find my page: just surfing

I enjoyed my visit! Very nice site.

Jason Coombs - 09/08/00 15:51:11
My Email:scrapper266@hotmail.com
Location: Clarksville, TN
How did you find my page: Officer.com

Nice page......... I'm thinking of moving to the Bellville area and was wondering what the "poe-poe" was like there. I'll see about getting some patches from my dept. here to send to you. Keep up the good work.....

Andrea Libonati - 08/07/00 20:36:41
My URL:http://utenti.tripod.it/andlibo/index.html
My Email:unclesam@tin.it
Location: ITALY
How did you find my page: Friend

I am Warrant-Officer (Inspector/Marshal) of "ARMA dei CARABINIERI" (Italian Police), IPA's member (I am secretary of local committe) and collector of U.S.A. Police patches, badges and hats. My good friend Roger McLean gave me your address (from his web si e). Your site is very beautiful and interesting. COMPLIMENTS!!!! Best regards from Italy.

Christine Casner - 07/29/00 18:36:13
My Email:casners4@advant.net
Location: Mattoon Illinois
How did you find my page: Did Search

My name is Christine Casner and I am attending the Southwestern Police Academy at SWIC. I am home for the weekend and was just surfing inbetween studing. You have a great site! Say Hello to Steve Johnson for me! Christine

Brian Lehane - 07/19/00 02:20:31
My URL:/tac9c82
My Email:Trauma1229@aol.com
Location: Stoughton, MA
How did you find my page: W5www web site

Great Job On YOur SIte. I would Like to Nominate my site for your award

Jay Johnson - 06/29/00 08:03:33
My URL:http://web.utk.edu/~jjohns56
My Email:jayjohnson@utk.edu
Location: Knoxville, TN
How did you find my page: Surfing around

Nice Page keep up the good work. My parents were orginally from Caseyville and I still have relatives in the area. Good to know you are out there for them.


Major Steven Creek - 06/17/00 13:56:20
My URL:http://creek.terrashare.com/
My Email:stevencreek@yahoo.com
Location: Fort Smith, Arkansas

Nice Page

Michael Reulbach (FOPA 28) - 06/12/00 19:08:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/fopa28/
My Email:fopa28@yahoo.com
Location: Near Cleveland, Ohio
How did you find my page: Surfed on in

I really enjoyed your site, and I will return. Please, if you can, visit our site. As in your case, this is my first attempt at site design as well. If you feel so inclined, please consider our site for your award, it would be greatly appreciated. Be safe out there!

Kitty - 06/08/00 22:45:06
My Email:mexkitty34@icqmail.com
Location: somewhere in IL
How did you find my page: from you

I was here...checking you out! :) talk to ya soon

BCNU - 06/07/00 02:14:07
My Email:BCNUZ@hotmail.com
How did you find my page: FROM ICQ SILLY


Joe DePaul - 06/02/00 02:32:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/parodybros
My Email:jsdepaul@smig.net
Location: Minnesota
How did you find my page: Award link

cool site! I would like to aplly for your award too! -Joe

James Yost - 05/25/00 04:13:12
My URL:http://www.dzn.com/~cops
My Email:epcop@dzn.com
Location: El Paso Texas
How did you find my page: Banner

Nice Page! I would like to submit my page "Fade to Blue" for your award. It contains some good police graphics as well as some good links. Stay Safe!

Susie - 05/19/00 13:59:31
My Email:skisro@aol.com
Location: Swansea
How did you find my page: You told me about it

It sounds like you are very busy...all the time. I loved your web page. If that was your first attempt...you did a great job. The only thing I would change is the color of some of the letters. It seems to be too light and in someplaces I can't read it very well. Other than that...It was AWESOME!

Becky - 05/10/00 12:21:13
My URL:http://faith72.homestead.com/frontpage.html
My Email:faith72b@hotmail.com
Location: Belleville, Illinois
How did you find my page: you signed my guestbook with the link

Nice webpage! Thanks for visiting mine.

LilChit - 04/23/00 19:10:16
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~midnightstargazer/midnightstargazer.html
Location: ND for now
How did you find my page: someone invited me here... *G*

Hi there... Love the page... I have a lot of respect for those who are out there risking their lives to watch over and protect us... My Brother is a Chef of Police here... Thank you for being a friend... talk to you again soon... *HUGS* BTW I do ta k a lot... *G*

Gil Farrow - 04/19/00 17:39:00
My Email:ggf@iconnect.net
Location: Waukegan, IL.

Retired Lake County Sheriff'S Police

gwen dawkins - 04/18/00 02:30:32
My Email:ladyblue49@alltel.net
Location: cuthbert, ga.
How did you find my page: surfing around

Great page...loved the thing. My son is building ours.. I work for plains, ga. police dept as acting chief...my hubby works for randolph co ga sheriffs dept as dare officer and road deputy. Keep up the excellent work. Lost my older brother last monday to eart attack. he was a retired ga state trooper....Say one for me.......gwen

Miriam36 - 04/13/00 12:17:47
My URL:http://www.beer.com
My Email:miriam36usa@netscape.net
Location: Pennsylvania
How did you find my page: cops.....

Nice, now I know who to help me, if I ever want to do one.

PATRICIA MITCHELL-SMITH - 04/03/00 06:47:38
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~sisterofpain/sisterofpain.html
My Email:sister-of-pain6@webtv.net
How did you find my page: BY BEING NOSEY...GGLS


Jeff Nettleton - 03/29/00 02:51:15
My Email:KE9BV@aol.com
Location: Fairview Heights
How did you find my page: Classmates.com

Howard your web site looks good, I just joined the classmate.com website, and have found serveral old class mates through this web site, I have not sat down yet to really email any of them, but I will in time. I also am a amateur radio operator, been in ham radio since 8th grade and have upgraded my license several times, I currently am an extra class ham, I use to frequent the HF frequencies and have been burned out on that, so I do listen occasually to 2 meters on 147.120. I also have been a resident of Fairview Heights for the last 12 years, been married for 14 yrs and have 2 children, a daughter 12 and a son 8. I currently work for KONICA Business Technologies in Chesterfield, MO. and have been employed there for about 17+ years. Well its getting late, and maybe we can get together sometime. Feel free to email. Thanks! Jeff Nettleton

Carroll - 03/14/00 13:33:17
My URL:http://www.creativefeatures.com
My Email:carrollingram@creativefeatures.com
Location: Little River, SC
How did you find my page: urfin

I was flying around the internet when I spotted this place to rest. I have read, looked and enjoyed.... especially yor boycott banner, keep up the good work, I'll be back often... I thank you for the rest. I thank you for the hard work you have done to make it a nice place!!! You are invited to my website....Be sure to see the MidiMusic and the Money Maker pages... Just click on the pic. Carroll

Tell me
what you
think of
my HomePage.

Sweet Angel - 03/11/00 14:52:50
My Email:sweet angel@erie.net
Location: Ohio
How did you find my page: Pow-wow

Like your page it is very nice. My icq number is 47785039 under Angelheart

Lori H. - 02/18/00 04:32:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hydey6/dillingerpage.html
My Email:hydey@kuntrynet.com
Location: Indiana
How did you find my page: Searchalot

great site!

Ken Davis - 02/08/00 21:44:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cobbso
My Email:kenangie@wans.net
Location: Metro Atlanta, Georgia
How did you find my page: clicked on award link

I enjoyed your site and would like to welcome you to mine. Stay safe and god bless.

Cory Koker - 02/05/00 02:46:20
My Email:winpd@irtc.net
Location: IL
How did you find my page: www.officer.com

Kurtz, Great page! I had you as a trainer at the C/O school. Class prez #35. Tell M/Sgt. Moore and Lt. Saunders I said whats up!

kathy pugh - 02/01/00 19:59:16
My Email:kathy@eiiu.net
Location: cumberland co
How did you find my page: cpt don janes

Your page is neat. I just wondered how you were. I was at St. Claire Correctional Academy last year in April and May. See ya.

DptyShrf - 01/22/00 14:30:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8779
My Email:dptyshrf@geocities.com
Location: Nebraska
How did you find my page: surfing

Awesome pages, I've had to bookmark it!

Your Majesty - 01/21/00 14:06:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/HRHQueenoftheworld
My Email:HRHQueenoftheworld@yahoo.com
Location: earth

Nice site...we are not so easily amused..

Michael Laughland - 01/18/00 10:19:40
My Email:mslaughland@murphysboro.com
Location: Murphysboro, Illinois
How did you find my page: Just looking

St. Clair holds a special spot in me. I worked and went to school at BAC. Now I am a Police Officer in the City of Murphysboro. Liked the page. Stay safe.

Tom - 01/11/00 13:26:38
My Email:K4dwf@aol.com
Location: Florida
How did you find my page: MsKay78@aol.com

a brother Law enforcement officer

debbie - 01/10/00 02:09:00
My Email:deb618@intellex.com
Location: Ok
How did you find my page: badboys

pretty cool---my husband is an officer---

Tom - 12/18/99 18:55:25
My Email:K4dwf@aol.com
Location: Florida
How did you find my page: Rhe Cop"s Lounge

hey Nice Home page Brother, and you a Ham radio opetator to boot... thats great

SomeonelseŽ - 12/13/99 12:34:35
How did you find my page: from pow

cool page, keep up the good work! Greetings from Australia, Merry Christmas '99.

Clay Baugher - 11/23/99 04:47:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Meadows/4373/index.html
My Email:OfficerBaugher@the-police.com
Location: Quincy IL
How did you find my page: Linked from Another Site

I think your page looks great. I fact I'd like to invite you to come to www.topsitelists.com/bestsites/clay157 to add a banner or link to your page there. You can also find a link to the Top 100 List on my web page if you stop by.

Dale S. - 10/23/99 16:45:08
Location: At Home
How did you find my page: I looked hard

Woody my kids will not sleep tonite after seeing your mug on this web page {:-)

ASchimanski - 10/12/99 18:44:44
My Email:ASchimanski@rhsnet.org
Location: Lost in IL
How did you find my page: Return Visit

Suprise! Just wanted to say HEY! It was good to catch up with you and also to check out your site again. Talk to you soon

Allan Brenneis - 10/07/99 03:06:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/hwyptl
My Email:Tnroadrunr@aol.com
Location: Nashville Tn.
How did you find my page: return visit

I knew this was going to be a great page when I first saw it, and I was right. Great Job!

Mike - 10/07/99 00:44:46
My URL:http://people.delphi.com/burmie1/index.html
My Email:burmie@lankaster.com
Location: Chino Valley, Arizona

Thanks for the Woody Award. I have placed it on top of the awards page for the department!! Looks good, and so does your site. Hope we can win again for 2000. Also, thanks for your expertise when I need it, hope I can return favors sometime.

sensual lady - 10/06/99 15:34:28
My Email:lady_sensual@hotmail.com
Location: Maryland
How did you find my page: you sent it!

Great web page cuz. Maybe one day you can show me how to make one *S*

Tammy Gaisford - 10/05/99 21:05:29
My Email:Hunydew77@aol.com
Location: Belleville, IL

Thanks for forwarding your page to me Woody. You have done a really good job so far. Take Care & Be Safe. Tammy

sue - 10/05/99 16:12:43
My Email:bbunnyfan
How did you find my page: you sent it

very nice

Russ - 10/05/99 05:05:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~nasty226
My Email:nasty226@mediaone.net
Location: Evanston, Illinois
How did you find my page: ICQ

Great site ... thanks for the link !!!

Lee - 09/13/99 16:23:01
My Email:penguin89@prodigy.net
Location: somewhere in IL
How did you find my page: Unlucky

I am glad to see you spend your time on something worthwhile for once. Just kidding, great site.

Sheldon - 09/04/99 08:14:52
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/denmark/423/
My Email:spp@shoalhaven.net.au
Location: South Coast Area N.S.W Australia
How did you find my page: ABSEAS

John followed your link via ABSEAS mail. Like your page layout - clean and uncuttered unlike mine! Good work hope you'll find time to visit my page. Some pages are long to long but worth the wait. All LEO related with some humour to break it up. Have a safe one mate. Nightstick Healthcare LEO Australia

Michael - 08/19/99 18:57:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Quarters/2188/index.html
My Email:Sennheiser@sprintmail.com
Location: Belleville, IL
How did you find my page: Police Officers Internet Directory, right under my listing.

Nice site. Used to talk to a lot of RO's in my store. I'm an Axiiary Deputy for SCCSD. Maybe I'll see you around the Department.

ASchimanksi - 08/12/99 21:23:26
My Email:acski75@hotmail.com
Location: Illinois
How did you find my page: lost in the net

I was looking for the class pictur of the graduates from the Spring 99 class at the St. Clair Academy. My husband (soon to be ex) was in that class and so was his fling. Was looking for the picture to show friends! Nice web site though! It's good to see decent people involved with law enforcement. Keep up the good work!!!

ASchimanksi - 08/12/99 21:22:46
My Email:acski75@hotmail.com
Location: Illinois
How did you find my page: lost in the net

I was looking for the class pictur of the graduates from the Spring 99 class at the St. Clair Academy. My husband (soon to be ex) was in that class and so was his fling. Was looking for the picture to show friends! Nice web site though! It's good to see decent people involved with law enforcement. Keep up the good work!!!

Sheldon - 07/27/99 11:43:11
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/denmark/423/
My Email:spp@shoalhaven.net.au
Location: South Coast Area N.S.W Australia
How did you find my page: ABSEAS

Hi Howard Greetings from a fellow ABSEAS list member. Like your pages very much. Lucky man, you got some skill there. I wonder if I'll ever get there with my pages. Good job mate. Have a safe one

Ann & Derek - 07/17/99 11:14:52
My URL:http://www.riverside.swinternet.co.uk
Location: U.K.

Great site... keep up the good work

The Riverside

Sgt Bob Stimpson - 07/13/99 21:13:14
My URL:http://home.att.net/~rstimpy
My Email:rstimpy@worldnet.att.net
Location: Madison CT
How did you find my page: officer.com

Hello Howard, greetings from Madison CT PD and Madison Lodge 87 AF&AM. I'm a PM of Madison Lodge. Sounds like you're a busy person. Nice job on your site. Stay safe and good luck.

PREPARING FOR POLICE EXAMS - 07/10/99 12:16:39
My URL:http://www.crimjustice.com
My Email:consult@crimjustice.com
Location: Florida
How did you find my page: Surfed on in.

You have a great looking page and one that is most informative. Good luck on your collecting and above all, STAY SAFE! PS: 73s

Barbara - 07/07/99 08:55:21
Location: Nevada
How did you find my page: from ICQ

Nice job on the page.. It's good to see someone so supportive of Law Enforcement. Stay safe, and close to cover! heh heh heh.. Barbara... AKA GUMSHU

Allan Brenneis - 07/04/99 15:51:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/hwyptl
My Email:Tnroadrunr@aol.com
Location: Nashville, Tn
How did you find my page: surfed on it dude, Come on in the waters fine

Enjyoyed your web site, Looks like its going to be really great. Will come back often to see all the new entries. KEEP FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT!

Bruce Carr - 05/31/99 13:18:19
My Email:bwccviu@hotmail.com
Location: New Zealand Police
How did you find my page: Just surfing

Hi, its great to meet you. I'll catchya later.

Jose Espinoza - 05/25/99 19:15:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~cybertechie
My Email:cybertechie@geocities.com
Location: Bakersfield
How did you find my page: I'm your PlanetAll friend too... :)

Hmmm... Nice site... really nice and faster download too... Hmmm a small suggestion add a background color, I bet you will find it even more interesting! Jose.

Burmie - 03/03/99 00:01:46
My URL:http://people.delphi.com/burmie1/index.html
Location: Arizona...where the ladies are in charge!

Just checking in and seeing your progress. Keep up the good work, and stay in contact.....Stay Safe

me - 02/18/99 19:17:55
My URL:http://who cares
My Email:mine
Location: here
How did you find my page: got lost

have a seat ace

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