Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Can you get me a copy of Maple Leaf Rag?
Answer: No. I will not send copies of any of Joplin's music to anybody. I am not living in my native country right now, and do not have access to my copies of Joplin's music. Besides, the vast majority of Joplin's music is not hard to find. Check your local music store and chock up eight dollars for fifteen pieces.

Question 2: I once saw a movie about Joplin on TV. Can you tell me anything about or where I may buy it?
Answer: Scott Joplin is a 96-minute movie made in 1977. It starred Billy Dee Williams as Joplin and Art Carney as John Stark. The movie was made for TV by Motown Films, and later released theatrically by Universal. It may be bought at a few places online, specifically or Movies Unlimited.

Question 3: Will you help me with my report?
Answer: No, I cannot because I barely have enough time to get my reports done for my college classes. Please use some of the other sources on the internet, or Edward A. Berlin's book (link is cited below in question six).

Question 4: When was your site created? I need this for a report bibliography.
Answer: The site was started on November 1, 1998, and there has been some sort of work done on it every year since. So, the date for the site would be 1998-2003. The site was created in South Jordan, Utah; Coalinga, California; and Provo, Utah.

Question 5: Can I link my web site (or PowerPoint presentation) to your web site?
Answer: Yes! By all means! I want all the visitors I can get.

Question 6: What other sources on Joplin do you reccommend?
Answer: There aren't any other tremendous sites about Joplin that I know of. I started this site to fill that vacuum. In print, there is Edward A. Berlin's King of Ragtime: Scott Joplin and His Era. This is the ONLY book worth looking at when it comes to Joplin's life. All other sources contain those myths I mention elsewhere.

Question 7: Why can't I email you?
Answer: Because I am a very busy college student. Although I did in the past, I simply no longer have time to regularly reply from site visitors (there are literally thousands each month). I recommend the newsgroup if you want to ask experts--all of whom know much more about the topic than I do.

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