What the heck is a DLL?
Where do they go? 
Where can I find them?
What the heck is a DLL?
Short for Dynamic Link Library, a library of executable functions or data
that can be used by Windows applications.  Typically, a DLL provides one
or more particular functions by creating either a static or dynamic link to the
DLL.  A static link remains constant during program execution while a dynamic
link is created by the program as needed.  DLLs can also contain just data.
DLL files usually end with the extension .dll, .exe., .drv, or .fon.
A DLL can be used by several applications at the same time.  Some DLLs
are provided with the Windows operating system and available for any
Windows application.  Other DLLs are written for a particular application
and are loaded with the application.
If you want to know more about DLLs visit PC Webopaedia.
Where do they go?
Good question.  My guess is into "the void".  If you are anything like me
all you want to know is.....
Where do I go to get them back?
Below are some links to sites on the web where you can download those
pesky little files that seems to up and disappear over night.
This site touts themselves as "the 1st comprehensive site on the web".
NoNags Missing DLL & OCX Files
This site allows you to search for the needed file by entering the exact file
name in a textbox.
CME Products
This is a site for a nifty utility called CopyText.  Their download site includes
a zip file that includes MSVBVM50.DLL, TABCTL32.OCX, COMCTL32.OCX
and STKIT432.DLL.
After downloading files you will need a utility to "unzip"
the files to your hard drive...I suggest Winzip.
Get WinZip Now!
WinSite Windows 3.1 Archive
This site has nine pages of dlls and other necessary files.  These files are
in a zipped up format.
Help and Support Files at Rocket Download
This site has a very nice alphabetized listing of over 40 support files
A pretty thorough resource for downloading MFC.DLLs.
Bruce's Web Page Help - Windows DLL Files
This site is an excellent source of DLLs and includes instructions on how
to download and unzip the files to your hard drive.  It also has a search
engine in the event you do not find the DLL you are seeking.
SoftSeek DLLs and Libraries
Not as simple as some other sites.  Three pages of DLLs and utilities that
include DLLs that you can download separately.
I hope you find what you need through these links to get you out of DLL Hell.
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This page updated on July 23, 1998