Some Of My Favorite Places
Please take an opportunity to stop by some of my favorite web sites, they are divided by category :
Train chat rooms :

 Large Scale On Line  Large Scale On Line Chat  some pretty knowledgeable people here to answer your questions,  or just to pass the time away...........

 Here's my Profile in LSOL  GPRR LSOL Profile A little somethin about me......

Aristo Craft Chat   Aristo Craft Chat

Large Scale Operators Web pages :

 Rio Grande Southern   RGS Railroad  owned and operated by Ken Brunt, West Grove, PA.............pretty talented guy...........great inspiration,  and my right arm in this venture, took the huh's? out of my conversations...........

CGGRS   CGGRS    this is Ken's page on our garden railroad club

This is Ken's Garden Railroad Society's layout page   SEPGRS

This is Brother Gary Buchanan's Raccoon Creek & Gully kingdom. Gary does some very fine scratch building and I am the proud owner of one of his box cars! RCC&G RR

 George Schreyers Home Page  George Schreyers Home page   some good technical stuff here on large scale

And  for the true rivet counters   The Shay Guru  The Shay Guru, owned and operated by Bart in W Va and his Executive VP of Finance (sounds like a wife role to me), and his Jr. VP's............need I say more!

Lazy Acre Lumber Company    Lazy Acre Lumber Company    NJ George's indoor operation

Dr. Phil Creer's Toenail Ridge Shortline   Toenail Ridge Shortline   from Adelaide, Australia..........this guy's got an imagination,  and I just love his little people!

and make sure you check this out too, Doc Phil's book, utilizing the many talents found in LSOL.........................  Doc Phil's Book   geezzzz............why do I hang out there?

Fantasy :

 Model Railroad Magic Website  Gotta check this out...........if you do nothing else this year, do this............

Manufacturers :

Eldorado Railways   Eldorado Railways   trestle's

Lone Star Bridge and Abutment  Lone Star Brige and Abutement  have to say I am proud owner of just one

Gary Raymond Wheels   Gary Raymond Metal Wheels  been told this is what I need to convert over to

Greetings :

Angel Winks Heavenly Post Card Shoppe  AngelWinks  truly a heavenly experience.............anything you want

Blue Mountain Arts   Blue Mountain Arts  pretty cute animation!

Pacific Products   Pacific products    I like to steal their gifs

Message Mates   Message Mates  what can i say...........they say it all..........

Funnies :

Jamerson's Book Of Wavs   Waving At You

The Joke of the Day Joke A Day

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