First of all, call me Tamatha and I'll knock you're teeth out. It's Tammy... Got it?
The real me... I ain't all goodness and light. I'm a evil wench who likes sweaty men and vodka.
The front page is there for those who's children I work with. That's right, I'm a children's librarian. I mold the minds of tomorrow. Give me money, and I'll leave your children relatively sane.
Links To Curl Your Toes
The following are my true favorite links. Not the mamsy-pamsy stuff on my front page to placate the masses.
B.S.T. : Bunny Survival Tests Homepage
The World Wrestling Federation
The VorteX fan fiction archive
Kuffs: The Kung Fu: The Legend Continues slash archive
E-Mail me here.
May the people who have visited this den of iniquity never get caught here.
created by Ninja and Ith based on an idea by Shirl