The Real Tamatha

First of all, call me Tamatha and I'll knock you're teeth out. It's Tammy... Got it?

The real me... I ain't all goodness and light. I'm a evil wench who likes sweaty men and vodka.

The front page is there for those who's children I work with. That's right, I'm a children's librarian. I mold the minds of tomorrow. Give me money, and I'll leave your children relatively sane.

Links To Curl Your Toes

The following are my true favorite links. Not the mamsy-pamsy stuff on my front page to placate the masses.

B.S.T. : Bunny Survival Tests Homepage

The Bert is Evil Homepage

The Official Smirnoff Website

Jeff Palmer Originals

Into the Purple Abyss

The World Wrestling Federation

World Championship Wrestling

The VorteX fan fiction archive

Kuffs: The Kung Fu: The Legend Continues slash archive

The Kama Sutra of Pooh

E-Mail me  here.

May the people who have visited this den of iniquity never get caught here.

created by Ninja and Ith based on an idea by Shirl