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Sigma Sigma Sigma

Gamma Mu Chapter 1964
Southeastern Louisiana University

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Sigmas formal 11-7-98

Purple Violet
Royal Purple and White
Symbol: Sailboat
Local Symbol: Teddy Bear
Motto: "Faithful Unto Death"

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Summer 99 Orientation
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Me, My Sigma Lil Sis, Jennifer,
My Sigma Big Sis, Erica


Sisterhood is a smile on a rainy day
Sisterhood is a feeling that will never go away
Sisterhood is being there no matter where or when
Sisterhood is being much more than a friend
Sisterhood is laughter, tenderness, and caring
Sisterhood is giving of yourself - constant sharing
Sisterhood is knowing that someone is always there
Sisterhood is letting people know you truly care
Sisterhood is not being afraid to laugh or cry
Sisterhood is a feeling that we will share, you and I.

Deidra L. Minemier,Beta Upsilon

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Homecoming 98

Being a part of Tri-Sigma is one of
the most important things in my life.
I was intitated into the Gamma Mu Chapter
on November 9, 1997.
My Gamma Mu number is 454.
I have met some of the greatest people
in the world and I know that these people
will be a part of my life forever.
Sisterhood is forever because
Sisters make the Best Friends.

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