Gerardo Guerrero L. - 01/07/00 19:02:06 My Your State: México Your Country: México What would you like to see more of here?: Pictures from México | Comments: hola Tony!! Happy 2000! |
Treeman - 05/09/99 16:55:05 My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/1181 My Your State: Ohio Your Country: USA What would you like to see more of here?: full version games, crackz or patches for demos | Comments: Nice site. Came in handy. |
Florence Shirakawa - 11/21/98 06:13:11 My URL:/Paris/Metro/3058 My | Comments: Hi :) ! I enjoyed getting to know you through your web pages!! Keep up the great work :) ! BTW, please sign my guestbook, too! Florence *bushy tail swishing happily in the wind* :) ! |
Sandra - 11/19/98 14:42:23 My URL: My Your State: TN Your Country: US | Comments: Hi Tony! I notice that you signed my questbook so I thought I would visit yours. Your really doing a great job. From what I can tell you are a very busy man. How do you find the time? I also notice you work for Crotty is that here in Gainesboro or some place else. Take Care! Sandra |
Cindy - 09/08/98 07:27:48 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Brad Schuster - 06/09/98 01:32:16 My URL: Your State: Michigan Your Country: U.S.A. | Comments: Just stopped to say hi! |
Kanga - 04/19/98 11:37:42 My URL: My Your State: QLD Your Country: Australia | Comments: Great Page Tony..:) nice to see you've been working on it some more..Keep up the great job..and those Lotto tickets.."smile" |
M. Hammon - 03/21/98 22:33:41 | Comments: Signore Schuster, La is a molto strano odore gradevole su quasto pagina. Vostro amico Signore Hammon |
Tony - 01/17/98 10:13:58 My URL: My Your State: Mich. Your Country: USA What would you like to see more of here?: $1,000,000 for each visitor | Comments: Wouldn't it be nice to get $1,000,000 each time you visited a page....*smile* This is a test of the guest book just to see what it will look like when somebody puts something here.... |