Hi! This is my guest book. Feel free to skip anything you want to all areas are optional. Come back and visit anytime there will be much more added to my page as time permits...

Gerardo Guerrero L. - 01/07/00 19:02:06
My Email:gerguerrero@hotmail.com
Your State: México
Your Country: México
What would you like to see more of here?: Pictures from México
hola Tony!! Happy 2000!

Treeman - 05/09/99 16:55:05
My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/1181
My Email:dhr-me@rocketmail.com
Your State: Ohio
Your Country: USA
What would you like to see more of here?: full version games, crackz or patches for demos
Nice site. Came in handy.

Florence Shirakawa - 11/21/98 06:13:11
My URL:/Paris/Metro/3058
My Email:knusper98@hotmail.com
Hi :) ! I enjoyed getting to know you through your web pages!! Keep up the great work :) ! BTW, please sign my guestbook, too!
Florence *bushy tail swishing happily in the wind* :) !

Sandra - 11/19/98 14:42:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/1982
My Email:redsunset@multipro.com
Your State: TN
Your Country: US
Hi Tony! I notice that you signed my questbook so I thought I would visit yours. Your really doing a great job. From what I can tell you are a very busy man. How do you find the time? I also notice you work for Crotty is that here in Gainesboro or some place else. Take Care! Sandra

Cindy - 09/08/98 07:27:48
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Brad Schuster - 06/09/98 01:32:16
My URL:http://www.Brad-ags@prodigy.net
Your State: Michigan
Your Country: U.S.A.
Just stopped to say hi!

Kanga - 04/19/98 11:37:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~R00/s_homepage2.htm
My Email:kanga@ultra.net.au
Your State: QLD
Your Country: Australia
Great Page Tony..:) nice to see you've been working on it some more..Keep up the great job..and those Lotto tickets.."smile"

M. Hammon - 03/21/98 22:33:41
Signore Schuster, La is a molto strano odore gradevole su quasto pagina. Vostro amico Signore Hammon

Tony - 01/17/98 10:13:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:qsrx@asq.net
Your State: Mich.
Your Country: USA
What would you like to see more of here?: $1,000,000 for each visitor
Wouldn't it be nice to get $1,000,000 each time you visited a page....*smile* This is a test of the guest book just to see what it will look like when somebody puts something here....

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