Hi, I'm an electrical engineering undergraduate at the University of Malta. When not studying or doing any engineering-related work, I am probably reading a good book, watching some film, or enjoying music. I may also be playing some RPG, on the computer, or as a board game with friends (see the Games Workshop Links and Discount Games Co.). Sometimes I also spend my time drawing or painting (or using computer techniques such as ray-tracing or radiosity modelling - see my Design File Gallery). My favourite alias is Tarkil.

Anyone out there has done any work (or is otherwise interested) in the field of error-control coding as applied to Compressed Data Streams? Please mail me about it.

Other major engineering interests of mine are in the field of Digital Signal Processing, especially as regards signal enhancement/restoration and audio effects processing. I am also into data compression systems, particularly lossy techniques as suitable for audio/video applications.

This past summer (1996) I have been on an IAESTE traineeship in Hellas (Greece for the uninitiated). I have decided to place a few pages dedicated to this experience, organised as a Summer in Hellas 1996 Scrapbook. Note that these pages are still under construction, especially because I only arrived back home on 16-9-1996 and there is quite a lot of work in gathering the necessary information. Hope you like it.

Take some time to see Grazio's Malta Home Page. U jekk tista taqra din u ma toqghodx Malta nixtieq nisma' minn ghandek - specjalment jekk taf il-Malti u m'intix ta' dan in-nisel. This page is dedicated to those who strive to make Malta the place to be.

By the way - this page was designed on an Acorn A540, a 5-year old computer from Acorn RISC Technologies, with 8Mb RAM, a 26MHz RISC processor (ARM3 with FPA10), and just over 1Gb SCSI hard drive. All software used is completely freeware and is mostly available from the Hensa Archive. This page is optimised for Stewart Brodie's ArcWeb and was tested on version 1.40.

This page is being held at multiple positions, which may be out of phase by a few days. See the index of mirror sites to connect to your nearest server.

This page has been accessed times since 18-4-1996.
Logins for the last 7 days are given here.
Please sign in my Guestbook.

Starting Points

Sometimes it is difficult to find the information that you are looking for on the web. This is where search engines help. When you connect to the search engine, it allows you to enter a keyword and it will return a list of sites which may be contain relevant information. There are several around, but those I use most are: There are other sites of interest to Acorn users in particular:

Engineering-Related Links

Preferred Music

See also the following music-related pages:

Authors and the works I prefer

Other literature-related links:

Films to Remember

This list is still under construction (and will always be - basically it's about too large to list).

Friends' Home Pages.

Josef Briffa's Home Page (my brother).
Joe Debono's Home Page (and the Official Page of the University of Malta's Department of History).
James Borg's Home Page.
Franklyn Borg's Home Page.

The inclusion of any link on this page does not in any way imply my approval of whatever is held in those pages. All trademarks and registered trademarks are acknowledged. This page and all other pages held in this directory are copyright © Johann Briffa, 1996.

My address is jabrif@eng.um.edu.mt at University, or jabrif@maltanet.omnes.net at home. Please use the university address, which should remain valid at least up to June 1997.

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